openLPC is a tool based on openALPR and openCV to detect license plates and censoring them using gaussian blurring.
IMPORTANT Increasing the matrix size > 1 will result in a faulty result. (WIP)
There are three different modes (atm):
: censors a single image (provided by -path)imagestack
: censors every image inside a given folder (provided by -path)video
: censors a video file (provided by -path). To create a videofile as output pass-output video
as argument
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-msize MATRIX_SIZE Size of the tiling matrix
-multiplier MULTIPLIER Image/Frame mulitplied by given value for detection accuracy
-path FILEPATH path to the file (for imagestack: path to the folder)
-pattern PATTERN pattern for licnese plate matching (see ./runtime_data/postprocess/)
-mode MODE modes (image, imagestack, video)
-output OUTPUT output format (video, image)
-show Display the output with cv2.imshow (screen required)
-debug Debug mode (pink bar instead of blurred plate)
The openalpr.config
file contains the configuration for openALPR
is set to 5 percent, to minimize false detections. (can be adjusted depending on the size of the license plate).postprocess_min_confidence
is down to 40 percent. The information on the licence plate does not matter for the censoring.
python -path /path/to/imagefile.jpg -mode image
python -path /path/to/folder -mode imagestack
python -path /path/to/videofile.avi -mode video -output video