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React scheduler component (demo)

week view month view
preview preview

A standalone version that can be installed in any HTML page without installing React is also available.

Available features

  • switch between views day, week or month
  • events can be loaded statically (from an array) or dynamically (from an ajax request for instance)
  • drag and drop events
  • create/update/delete events
  • few dependencies : only React (>= 17.0.0) and ReactDOM (>= 17.0.0) are required. The standalone version requires no dependencies at all.

Usage in a React project


npm install @mormat/react-scheduler

Importing stylesheet

The stylesheet is required, otherwise, the scheduler will not be rendered properly.

There is several ways to include the stylesheet :

  • With the css-loader module if you're using webpack
 The following line can be included in your src/index.js or App.js file
import "@mormat/react-scheduler/dist/mormat_react_scheduler.css";
  • In the html template where the scheduler will displayed (using unpkg)

Loading static events

import Scheduler from "@mormat/react-scheduler";

function App() {
    const events = [
            label: "Meeting",
            start: "2024-02-28 10:00",
            end:   "2024-02-28 12:00",

    return (
            events      = { events } 
            initialDate = "2024-02-28"

Loading dynamic events

@todo write example

Using the component in an ordinary HTML page

Loading the assets

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

Rendering the scheduler

With React 18

    <div id="scheduler"></div>
        var props = { 
            /* the same props used in a React project */ 

        var reactElement = React.createElement(

        var container = document.getElementById('scheduler');
        var root      = ReactDOM.createRoot(container);

With React 17

    <div id="scheduler"></div>
        var props = { 
            /* the same props used in a React project */ 

        var reactElement = React.createElement(

        var container = document.getElementById('scheduler');
        ReactDOM.render(reactElement, container);

The available props can be found in src/types.ts

Using the standalone version

Loading the assets

Download the assets mormat_standalone_scheduler.js and mormat_standalone_scheduler.css in the release page

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./mormat_standalone_scheduler.css" >
    <script src="./mormat_standalone_scheduler.js"></script>

Rendering the scheduler

    <div id="scheduler"></div>
        var props = { 
            /* the same props used in a React project */ 

        mormat_standalone_scheduler.renderScheduler('#scheduler', props);

The available props can be found in src/types.ts


Loading static events

    var props = { 
        initialDate: '2024-02-01',
        events: [
                label: 'Meeting',
                start: '2024-02-01 10:00',
                end:   '2024-02-01 12:00',
                label: 'Conference',
                start: '2024-02-01 14:00',
                end:   '2024-02-01 18:00',

    mormat_standalone_scheduler.renderScheduler('#scheduler', props);

Loading dynamic events

@todo write example