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Releases: moonrepo/moon


08 Jun 00:42
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🚀 Updates

  • Updated bun.version and node.bun.version to stay in sync when one is defined and the other
    isn't. This helps to avoid tool discrepancies.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where persistent tasks depending on each other would sometimes error with
    "Encountered a missing hash".
  • Fixed nightly and canary releases not showing the correct version in moon --version.


06 Jun 22:57
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🚀 Updates

  • Improved error messages around git version and worktree parsing.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed git version parsing when the version contains invalid semver parts.

🔋 Extensions

  • Updated download to v0.0.5.
  • Updated migrate-nx to v0.0.5.
  • Updated migrate-turborepo to v0.1.2.
    • Added Turborepo v2 support.


03 Jun 23:32
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🚀 Updates

  • Added a check to moon docker scaffold that ensures that .moon/cache is ignored in a root
    .dockerignore file. This helps to avoid interoperability issues.
  • Added more logs to moon docker commands to help uncover future issues.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where noop tasks would not cache / invalidate cache. This is a regression from
    the recent task runner changes.

⚙️ Internal

  • Updated proto to v0.36.0 (from v0.35.4).


29 May 23:18
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🚀 Updates

  • Rewrote process failure error messages to include exit status information. This should help
    uncover processes killed by signals, and help debug the -1 exit code issues.


27 May 07:20
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💥 Breaking

  • Removed the following webhook events associated with task outputs: target-output.archiving,
    target-output.archived, target-output.hydrating, target-output.hydrated,

🚀 Updates

  • Rewrote the task runner from the ground up:
    • Improved handling and reliability of output archiving and hydration.
    • Streamlined the task execution (child process) flow.
    • Now tracks metrics for individual operations, like hash generation, output hydration, task
      execution, and more. Can be inspected in the run report.
  • Added a --summary flag to moon run and moon check that will include a summary of all actions
    that were processed/failed within the pipeline. This is the same output used in moon ci.
  • Added a new console reporting layer that handles the rendering of output in the terminal.
    • This enables us to support additional reporters in the future, each with unique UIs.
    • Slightly tweaked our current UI rendering. You may notice some differences.
  • Updated external configuration files (via https extends) to be cached for 24 hours.
    • This will fix issues with offline mode.
  • Greatly reduced the amount of concurrent locks being held during task execution. May see slight
    performance improvements.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where actions within the run report were not reflecting the correct status of their
    last execution attempt.
  • Fixed an issue where "have outputs been created" checks would fail if outputs only contained
    negated globs, coupled with literal paths.
  • Fixed an issue where .prototools in the workspace root was not being respected when running moon
    commands in a sub-directory.
  • Fixed PROTO_*_VERSION environment variables being set to *, resulting in unexpected versions
    being resolved.

⚙️ Internal

  • Updated proto to v0.35.4 (from v0.34.4).
  • Updated macOS binaries to be built on macos-12 instead of macos-11.


20 May 17:40
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🐞 Fixes

  • Reworked the binary provided by @moonrepo/cli to work better on Windows.


14 May 17:16
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🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where proto managed tools may error with "Failed to detect an applicable version".


03 May 20:29
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🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed a regression where runInCI was being overzealously applied to moon run commands.
  • Fixed generated VCS hooks not containing a trailing newline.


30 Apr 21:26
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🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where internal tasks would still run when running a task using "closest project"
  • Fixed an issue where task's with runInCI weren't always being filtered properly.


25 Apr 20:55
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🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed task deps.env not supporting variable substitution.
  • Fixed an issue where Git hooks would overwrite non-local hooks. The core.hooksPath setting is
    now only used if the path is within the current repository.