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Bot21 - a chatbot assistant to help you run better 1-2-1 meetings with your team

My hack is a chatbot that is designed to help line managers run effective 1-2-1 meetings with their employees. It tracks objectives for each employee via a simple-to-use adaptive card interface, and then leverages AI to suggest talking points for the meeting based on the employee's objectives. It can also summarise and store meeting notes for later recall.

Some functionality is incomplete or a bit tempremental (largely down to needing some more rigourous testing of the AI prompts!) but hopefully this project demonstrates the intention to blend pre-defined actions with the power of AI to provide contextual responses.

The chatbot is configured to use Azure Blob storage so that key information is retained between conversations.


  • OpenAI API key
  • Azure Blob Storage

Deploy to Azure

Deploy your project to Azure by following these steps:

From Visual Studio Code From TeamsFx CLI
  • Open Teams Toolkit, and sign into Azure by clicking the Sign in to Azure under the ACCOUNTS section from sidebar.
  • After you signed in, select a subscription under your account.
  • Open the Teams Toolkit and click Provision from DEPLOYMENT section or open the command palette and select: Teams: Provision.
  • Open the Teams Toolkit and click Deploy or open the command palette and select: Teams: Deploy.
  • Run command teamsfx account login azure.
  • Run command teamsfx provision --env dev.
  • Run command: teamsfx deploy --env dev.

Note: Provisioning and deployment may incur charges to your Azure Subscription.


Once the provisioning and deployment steps are finished, you can preview your app:

  • From Visual Studio Code

    1. Open the Run and Debug Activity Panel.
    2. Select Launch Remote (Edge) or Launch Remote (Chrome) from the launch configuration drop-down.
    3. Press the Play (green arrow) button to launch your app - now running remotely from Azure.
  • From TeamsFx CLI: execute teamsfx preview --env dev in your project directory to launch your application.

Validate manifest file

To check that your manifest file is valid:

  • From Visual Studio Code: open the command palette and select: Teams: Validate Application.
  • From TeamsFx CLI: run command teamsfx validate in your project directory.


  • From Visual Studio Code: open the Teams Toolkit and click Zip Teams App Package or open the command palette and select Teams: Zip Teams App Package.
  • Alternatively, from the command line run teamsfx package in the project directory.

Publish to Teams

Once deployed, you may want to distribute your application to your organization's internal app store in Teams. Your app will be submitted for admin approval.

  • From Visual Studio Code: open the Teams Toolkit and click Publish or open the command palette and select: Teams: Publish.
  • From TeamsFx CLI: run command teamsfx publish in your project directory.

Further reading



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