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... is a tool to build software within a mono repository. Though you might use monobuild to run the build it self it is best combined with another build tool like task or make.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


monobuild is build with Go. So you need to have a Go environment up and running. Support for Go with modules is planned but not in place. See Go's Getting Started to setup your Go environment.


Within $GOPATH/src/ you should be able to run a test:

go run cmd/monobuild/main.go

Running the tests

You can run the tests by calling go test ./...


You can download the binary from the releases page or use the deb package to install it on a Debian system.


How does monobuild work

monobuild scans the current directory and all subdirectories for a marker file (default name: .MONOBUILD). Each marker can have a dependency on another marker. Based on the dependencies so called stages are calculated and executed.

What is in a marker file

A marker file contains a build configuration with the following fields:

Field Required Description
Commands false Commands are shell commands to be executed
Environment false A list of environment variables passed to the commands
Label true Label is the name of the build configuration
Dependencies false A list of dependencies to other build configurations
Parallel false Build configuration may be run in parallel with other build configurations

A valid sample:


  - echo new marker
label: main


On the root level there are the following commandline parameters possible:

Parameter Description
--config Set an alternative config file
--log-level Set log level to debug, info or warn (fallback) (default "warn")
--marker name of marker file (default ".MONOBUILD")
--no-parallelism disable parallel execution of steps
--quit Do not show header (version info and name)

Sample layout

.MONOBUILD in root directory


  - echo root dir
  - other component
label: main

.MONOBUILD in sub directory:


  - echo other component
label: other component
parallel: true

Above sample creates a run with two stages to run first other component and than main.

Let's add another .MONOBUILD in another directory:


  - echo yet other component
label: yet other component
parallel: true

This will be added to the first stage (no dependency) and executed in parallel as both configurations allow for parallel execution.


Unless --no-parallelism is passed first all configurations that are not allowed to run in parallel in a stage are executed and afterward the one that are allowed are executed. As such you could introduce sub stages but this is highly discouraged. It is better to clearly communicate dependencies and adding additional stages.

Usage as an API

monobuild was designed to be usable as a library.

To use monobuild create an instance by calling NewMonobuild with the base path to work on.

cfg := monobuild.NewMonoBuild(dir)

// cfg.DisableParallelism = true to disable any parallel tasks
// cfg.MarkerName = "somestring" to use somestring as markerfile

A four step process follows:

  1. Load the build configurations from disk using cfg.LoadConfigurations()
  2. Add configurations from code using cfg.AddBuildConfiguration()
  3. Run cfg.Setup() to build the plan
  4. Execute the build using cfg.Run()

See the monobuild utility for an example how to consume this library.



Version Description
1.0.0 Allow adding buildconfigurations from code
Use go modules
Allow limiting to one build configuration including dependencies
0.9.0 initial working copy

Built With

  • Cobra - A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions
  • Viper - Go configuration with fangs


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the file for details
