- small memory footprint during marshalling
- elegant syntax
- suitable for iOS & Mac
- self contained, no other dependencies
- iOS 4.x or higher
- Mac OS X 10.6.8 or higher, 64-bit only
- will probably be upped to Lion + iOS 5.0 soon
You need to include the TCMXMLWriter.h/m
in your project.
After that you initialize your TCMXMLWriter
with either nothing (will write to memory) a file URL (will write as a stream to that URL) or a stream it will write to.
This is a example generating KML of New York:
TCMXMLWriter *writer = [[TCMXMLWriter alloc] initWithOptions:TCMXMLWriterOptionPrettyPrinted];
[writer instructXML];
[writer tag:@"kml" attributes:@{@"xmlns" : @"http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"} contentBlock:^{
[writer tag:@"Document" contentBlock:^{
[writer tag:@"Placemark" contentBlock:^{
[writer tag:@"name" contentText:@"NYC"];
[writer tag:@"description" contentText:@"New York City"];
[writer tag:@"Point" contentBlock:^{
[writer tag:@"coordinates" contentText:@"-74.006393,40.714172,0"];
The attributes dictionary can include these types as value:
- NSNumber
-[NSNumber stringValue]
- when
is specified, then BOOLs will be replaced with-boolYESValue
, defaults to @"yes" and @"no"
- NSDate (will be encoded using ISO8601 with GMT - e.g. 2011-07-18T17:47:59Z )
- NSStrings which will be represented literally
When TCMXMLWriterOptionOrderedAttributes
is specified, the attributes will in -caseInsensitiveCompare: order instead of the random order defined by the NSDictionary
For more api see the TCMXMLWriter.h
- greatly inspired by the ruby XML Builder framework