Download Ireland's Property Price Register for data analysis in Python/pandas.
from ppr2pandas import ppr
# Get the entire PPR data
df = ppr.get_ppr()
# Filter to a date range
df = ppr.get_ppr(min_date="2024-01-01", max_date="2024-01-31")
# Filter to a price range
df = ppr.get_ppr(min_price=250_000, max_price=350_000)
# Filter by counties
df = ppr.get_ppr(counties=['Dublin', 'Kildare', 'Meath'])
Columns are automatically parsed into their relevant dtypes.
df = ppr.get_ppr()
# Date of Sale (dd/mm/yyyy) datetime64[ns]
# Address object
# County object
# Eircode object
# Price (€) float64
# Not Full Market Price bool
# VAT Exclusive bool
# Description of Property object
# Property Size Description object
# dtype: object
The pandas DataFrame format provides a powerful API for data manipulation and analysis.
# Filter the dataframe based on conditional expressions
expensive_properties = df[df['Price (€)'] >= 500_000]
dublin_data = df[df['County'] == 'Dublin']
# Select a single column
dub_prices = dublin_data['Price (€)']
print("max: ", dub_prices.max())
print("min: ", dub_prices.min())
print("mean: ", dub_prices.mean())
print("median:", dub_prices.median())
# max: 225000000.0
# min: 5250.0
# mean: 460559.4193276385
# median: 330000.0
More information is available in the pandas documentation.