A command line tool to get Maynooth University exam papers
usage: paperboy.py [-h] [-l MINYEAR] [-u MAXYEAR] [-r] [-s] module cookie
Get Maynooth University exam papers.
positional arguments:
module the code of the module you want papers for e.g. 'CS211'
cookie a JSON file with the key and value of your session cookie OR the key and value as separated by '='
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l MINYEAR, --minyear MINYEAR
the inclusive lower bound of the range of years you want papers for
-u MAXYEAR, --maxyear MAXYEAR
the non-inclusive upper bound of the range of years you want papers for
-r, --noresits exclude papers from Autumn exam periods
-s, --save save the exam papers to current working directory instead of printing links to stdout
The cookie
argument is your session cookie for the exam papers site and can passed in one of two ways:
directly, in the format
as a path to a JSON file in the following format:
The session cookie is used by the site to authenticate you. To get your session cookie, follow these steps:
In Chrome, log in to the exam papers website
Press F12 to open Developer Tools and go to the Application tab
Go to
and copy and paste the name and value of the session cookie into your cookie file
This cookie will expire after some time and you will need to follow these steps again.
Do not share this cookie with anyone or accidentally push it to a repo!