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Daug mobile app

This repo is the mobile app for Daug. It was built as part of the MobileSpace Season 2 course by Monte Thakkar.

What's Daug?

Daug is a social network for pets.

  • Your pets can sign up or login using their paws.
  • They can upload selfies or post their thoughts for other pets to see.
  • They can also look at other pets posts and either paw (like) or scratch (dislike) it.

Getting started

git clone [email protected]:mobilespace/daug-mobile.git

exp start

exp ios


Intro, Login & Sign Up screens are based on Robinhood App.

Profile screen is based on Instagram.

Social Feed screen is based on Facebook.

Other design ideas

Assignment #1


  • Learn how to build & organize screens in RN
  • Learn advanced RN styling and use LinearGradient, Image, Icons & Custom Fonts
  • Learn how to use mock data for prototyping UI screens
  • Learn how to use NPM libaries such as React Native Elements, Expo & React Native Vector Icons


  • Design & build an Intro Screen
  • Design & build a Signup Screen
    • Bonus: Add buttons to sign up with Facebook & Twitter
  • Design & build a Login Screen
    • Bonus: Add buttons to login with Facebook & Twitter
  • Design & build a Profile Screen
    • Bonus: Add the Logout button
  • Design & build a Social Feed Screen with Mock Data
  • Attach screenshots/gif of screens to README.MD


Assignment #2


  • Learn how to build navigation for Daug app using React Navigation
  • Learn mobile design patterns for navigation & screen layouts
  • Learn how to quickly build RN screens and hook them up using navigation


  • Understand the 3 main navigation patterns for mobile apps:
  • Setup a IntroStack (using StackNavigator) for the Intro Screen (root), Login Screen (push) & Sign Up Screen (push)
  • Setup a HomeTabs (using TabNavigator) for the Social Feed Screen (default) and Profile Screen
  • Setup a RootNavigator (using StackNavigator) with the IntroStack & HomeTabs with mode: "modal"
  • Design & build an Edit Profile Screen
  • Setup a ProfileStack (using StackNavigator) for the Profile Screen (root), Post Details Screen (push) & Edit Profile Screen (modal) with mode: "modal" and custom RNE header component
  • Design & build a Post Details Screen
  • Design & build a Create Post Screen
  • Setup a SocialStack (using StackNavigator) for the Social Feed Screen (root), Post Details Screen (push) & Create Post Screen (modal) with mode: "modal" and custom RNE header component
  • Bonus: Display Posts on ProfileScreen
  • Bonus: Setup a HomeNavigator(using DrawerNavigator) with the HomeTabs (as root) and update RootNavigator to use HomeNavigator instead of HomeTabs
  • Add working gif of app to README.MD



Assignment #3


  • Learn how to make backend API calls and User Authentication
  • Learn how to setup an Authnetication UI flow using AsyncStorage
  • Serve as an React Native app that you can showcase on your porfolio


**Namespace:** `/auth`

// User Authentication endpoints'auth/signup'); // CREATE'auth/login'); // VALIDATE / READ

**Namespace:** `/api`

// All data endpoints
router.get('api/users/all'); // READ
router.get('api/posts/all'); // READ

// Social Feed endpoints
router.get('api/feed'); // READ

// User data endpoints
router.get('api/users/:userId'); // READ
router.put('api/users/:userId'); // UPDATE

// Posts endpoints
router.get('api/posts/:postId'); // READ'api/users/:userId/posts'); // CREATE
router.put('api/users/:userId/posts/:postId'); // UPDATE
router.delete('api/users/:userId/posts/:postId'); // DELETE

// Follower endpoints
router.get('api/users/:userId/followers'); // READ
router.get('api/users/:userId/following'); // READ'api/users/:userId/follow/:followingId'); // CREATE'api/users/:userId/unfollow/:followingId'); // DELETE

// Like endpoints
router.get('api/posts/:postId/likes'); // READ'api/posts/:postId/like/:userId'); // CREATE'api/posts/:postId/unlike/:userId'); // DELETE

// Comment endpoints
router.get('api/posts/:postId/comments'); // READ'api/posts/:postId/comment/:userId'); // CREATE'api/posts/:postId/uncomment/:userId'); // DELETE


  • Intro Screen - Make simple GET request to /api to check server status
  • Signup Screen - Make POST request to /auth/signup to create a new user
    • Bonus: Add UI validation to Signup Screen - name (not null), email (format) & password (min. 8 characters)
  • Login Screen - Make POST request to /auth/login to validate and login an existing user
    • Bonus: Add UI validation to Login Screen - email (format) & password (min. 8 characters)
  • Social Feed Screen - Make GET request to /api/feed/ to get all posts for social feed
    • Bonus: Use ActivityIndicator to show placeholder loading when fetching feed data
    • Bonus: Use DeviceEventEmitter to trigger fetching posts when the new_post_created event is emitted
    • Bonus: Use timeSince() utility function to show relative times for post creation
  • Create Post Screen - Make POST request to /api/users/:userId/posts to create a new post by the user
    • Use ImagePicker (expo) to allow the user to add a picture to the post - Snack demo here
      • Bonus: Use DeviceEventEmitter to emit new_post_created event once post is created
  • Profile Screen - Make GET request to /api/users/:userId to get all the profile data
    • Bonus: Use ActivityIndicator to show placeholder loading when fetching profile data
    • Bonus: Use DeviceEventEmitter to trigger fetching profile data when the user_profile_updated event is emitted
  • Edit Profile Screen - Make PUT request to /api/users/:userId to update a user's profile information
    • Bonus: Use DeviceEventEmitter to emit user_profile_updated event once user data is updated
  • Setup Authentication flow for app using AsyncStorage. Once the user has logged in then take them to home page each time they open the app again

Wrap up


  • Add UI polish, tie up loose end and add remaining functionality
  • Update Readme with app details and publish Expo app for demo
  • Serve as an React Native app that you can showcase on your porfolio


  • Add Like, Comment and Follow API functionality
  • Clean up and format README.MD to showcase app - follow this template
  • Bonus: Add phone number UI to Edit Profile screen
  • Bonus: Add Camera functionality to Create Post screen
  • Bonus: Use Redux to share state between tab bar & screens
  • Add working gif of app to README.MD



Once you have completed each assignment above, please create a new issue on this repo with the title as your name and add the link to your repo in the description. Additionally please publish your Expo app and add the link as a comment on your submission issue. One of the TA's will review your code and add your name to the list of completed submissions below if all looks good.


In case you run into any problems or issues, please post it on #questions channel on the MobileSpace Slack.


For any other questions about this repo or MobileSpace in general please reach out to @monte9 on Github.