Gina Guerrero
CpSc8170 - Fall 2013
Project #4 - Springy Meshes (Butterfly Wings Simulation)
Springy Meshes - Butterfly Wings Simulation
Gauss/Matrix/Vector/Utility by Dr. House
Model Class modified to create an isosphere & plane
MTLFile/OBJFile/Pixmap/PolySurf by Dr. House
These were re-used from CpSc 405 - Spring 2011's Hwk #6
OBJ/MTL files generated in Maya
Usage: particles [param_filename] [obj_file.obj]
ex, particles p_c testcloth.obj
d or D start simulation
s or S switches simulation from step to continous
w or W switches simulation from wireframe to shaded
p or P switches from ortho to perspective views (default: perspective)
r or R resets the simulation, so if you change parameters - this will re-read them
q or ESC quit
CAMERA: left button | middle button | right button
left drag (-) rotation: model's y | (+)-r: camera's y | (+) translation: camera's z
right drag (+) rotation: model's y | (-)-r: camera's y | (-) translation: camera's z
down drag (+) rotation: model's x | (+)-r: camera's x | (+) translation: camera's z
up drag (-) rotation: model's x | (-)-r: camera's x | (-) translation: camera's z
particles.cpp (main program)
State.cpp, State.h
Strut.cpp, Strut.h
Hinge.cpp, Hinge.h
Color.cpp, Color.h
Face.cpp, Face.h
File.cpp, File.h
Group.cpp, Group.h
ImageFile.cpp, ImageFile.h
Line.cpp, Line.h
Material.cpp, Material.h
MTLFile.cpp, MTLFile.h
OBJFile.cpp, OBJFile.h
Pixmap.cpp, Pixmap.h
PolySurf.cpp, PolySurf.h
Matrix.cpp, Matrix.h
Utility.cpp, Utility.h
Vector.cpp, Vector.h
gauss.cpp, gauss.h