Releases: mmobin789/pixel
Releases · mmobin789/pixel
Internet Image load Complete
Added Okio.
Added OkHttpClient for image load network requests.
Custom OkHttpClient option added.
Custom Request option added.
Kotin version updated.
Coroutines updated and overall threading logic improved significantly.
Memory leaks checked.
Bug fixes for loads in recycler view.
Request cancel feature revoked for now.
JSON load features removed.
#2 fixed.
- Image loading/Caching from internet.
- PixelOptions support to provide custom support for an image load (Placeholder,set image size)
- Signature loads (Each request unique and no duplicate requests run for same image and size per load request)
- Automatic pause/cancels based on UI thread state.
- Configurable Memory Cache and options.
- Limited Networking support for loading/Caching JSON responses for open urls.