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Slack-based Local Admin Password Solution

LAPS is a great tool for securing client computers, but it can get annoying when you don't have easy access on-the-go. Get your client computer's local admin password through Slack!

Getting Started

Install Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) from Microsoft and make sure to install the Powershell module!

Open Powershell in Admin Mode and run Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted

Then run setup.ps1 (admin mode not required or preferred).

.env should look like this

SECRET_KEY= django secret

POWERSHELLPATH= path to powershell executable
POWERSHELLCMD= path to the laps powershell script

AD_USER= domain\user of an AD user with LAPS read privileges
AD_PASSWORD= password of that user

ALLOWED_HOST= hostname
ALLOWED_SLACK_CHANNELS= put a comma separate list of channel IDs here that can have access. such as {GS2FD231Y,DFKJXSU38} without the brackets.

Speedup Powershell

If Powershell is too slow, ngen can greatly decreased startup time. Requires admin rights.

Set-Alias ngen (Join-Path ([Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment]::GetRuntimeDirectory()) ngen.exe)
ngen update