Run database with docker like below:
docker run --name discountcodedb -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pass -e POSTGRES_USER=usr -e POSTGRES_DB=discountcodedb -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
Get the IP address of postgres container like below:
docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' discountcodedb
Build the API container:
Use docker build to build the docker image for REST container like below:
docker build -t discountcodeimg .
Run the built container and pass the IP of db container from step above:
docker run -e DBHOST=A.B.C.D --name discountcodeapi discountcodeimg
There are two different APIs ,
Generate a discount code
First one is for submitting request to generate discount code for a specific brand using the brand ID which is stored in the brand table. As seed data 7 brand is pre-pushed with sequential IDs. Brand ID and number of discount code to be generated is passed as URL parameter as an HTTP POST request using the below URL format:
For example, to generate 20 discount codes against first brand ( script will insert H&M as the first brand as part of seed data), submit a POST request with CURL like below:
curl -v -X POST
This call will create 20 discount codes and store it in database with state UNUSED
Fetch a discount code
Second one is for fetching a discount code for a specific brand. Brand ID needs to be provided as URL parameter against which a valid discount code will be returned as JSON payload. URL format is like below:
To fetch a discount code against a brand, submit a GET request with CURL like below:
curl -v
A discount code will be returned within JSON payload and it will be marked as DISTRIBUTED in database.