Interweave is a robust React library that can...
- Safely render HTML without using
. - Safely strip HTML tags.
- Automatic XSS and injection protection.
- Clean HTML attributes using filters.
- Interpolate components using matchers.
- Autolink URLs, IPs, emails, and hashtags.
- Render Emoji and emoticon characters.
- And much more!
<Interweave content="This string contains <b>HTML</b> and will safely be rendered!" />
content="This contains a URL,, and a hashtag, #interweave, that will be converted to an anchor link!"
matchers={[new UrlMatcher('url'), new HashtagMatcher('hashtag')]}
- React 16.8+ / 17+
- IE 11+
- Emoji support:
Interweave requires React as a peer dependency.
yarn add interweave react
// Or
npm install interweave react