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PHP Testing

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Library for PHPUnit testing.


Install by Composer

> composer require --dev milanowicz/php-testing


Example for using abstract class in your ClassTest:

class UnitTest extends Milanowicz\Testing\TestCase
    public function testMethod(): void
        // All Traits in abstract Milanowicz\Testing\TestCase are extends!
        // See below for further details from Trait methods

OR import Trait(s) for use them:

class UnitTest extends What\Ever\TestCase
    use Milanowicz\Testing\TestTrait;

    public function testMethod(): void
        // Access to private or protected Method
        $this->accessMethod((object) Class, (string) Method);
        // Run test(s) in it and when an assertion failed would throw, see message and data for the reason
        $this->catchAssertionFailing((array) $data, function ($data) {
            $this->assertEquals('whatEver', $data['whatEver']);
        }, (string) $catchData = ExpectationFailedException::class);
        // Create class without constructor
        $this->createInstanceWithoutConstructor((string) Class);
        // Call a private or protected Method with argument(s)
        $this->invokeMethod((object) Class, (string) Method, (mixed) ArgumentsForMethod);
        // Set a value to private or protected property 
        $this->setProperty((object) Class, (string) Property, (mixed) PropertyValue);
        // Get a value from a private or protected property back
        $this->getProperty((object) Class, (string) Property);
        // Execute test of number tries to check, if it runs multiply times successfully
        $this->testLoops((callable) Function, (int) NumberOfTries, (int) NumberOfErrors);
        // Execute test and when it's throw an exception, then try it again
        $this->tryTest((callable) Function, (int) NumberOfTries);

TestPerformanceTrait is to execute two functions and see which was faster of those:

class UnitTest extends What\Ever\TestCase
    use Milanowicz\Testing\TestPerformanceTrait;

    public function testMethod(): void
        // Example functions
        $cb1 = static function () {
        $cb2 = static function () {

        // Call both methods after each other and save run times from them
        $this->measureTime((callable) $cb1, (callable) $cb2, (int) $n = 20);
        // Check AVG and Student-Test
        $this->checkPerformance((bool) $function1 = true, (float) $pValue = 0.05);
        // $cb1 should be faster 
        $this->checkMeanTime((bool) $function1 = true);
        // $cb2 should be slower and throw an Exception 
        $this->checkMeanTime((bool) false);
        // Check if $cb1 is significant faster
        $this->checkStudentTest((float) $pValue = 0.05);
        // Get all time measures
        // Get both in array with AVG, STD and Median 
        // Get result from Student-T test 
        // Clear all times and measures


Usage for AssertionFailedException to get data in Exception message:

$e = new AssertionFailedException(
    (string) $message = 'Testing',
    (array) $data = [1],
    (int) $code = 1,
    (null|Throwable) $previous = null,
$e->toArray(); // => [1]
$e->count(); // => 1
$e->toString(); // => Message and Data as String

// and all Exception methods are available:
$e->getMessage(); // => Message and Data as String
$e->getCode(); // => 1
$e->getPrevious(); // => null OR a Throwable object


Run all test suites

> composer tests

Run PHP Code Styling

> composer style

Run PHPStan to analyze code

> composer analyze

Run PHPUnit tests

> composer test

Run Mutation tests by Infection

> composer infection


GNU GPL Version 3