Total port count: 2434
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2208 |
x64-windows |
2298 |
x64-windows-static |
2184 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2216 |
x64-uwp |
1267 |
arm64-windows |
1873 |
arm64-uwp |
1233 |
arm64-osx |
2067 |
x64-osx |
2144 |
x64-linux |
2256 |
arm-neon-android |
1565 |
x64-android |
1620 |
arm64-android |
1594 |
No vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release.
The following 11 ports have been added:
port |
version |
boost-charconv |
1.85.0 |
boost-cmake |
1.85.0 |
boost-headers |
1.85.0 |
boost-scope |
1.85.0 |
functionalplus |
0.2.24 |
hdr-histogram |
0.11.8 |
krb5 |
1.21.2#1 |
projectm-eval |
1.0.0 |
pulseaudio |
17.0 |
realm-core |
14.6.2#1 |
vcpkg-boost |
2024-04-25 |
The following 387 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
amd-amf |
1.4.33 |
1.4.33#1 |
aom |
3.8.1 |
3.8.1#1 |
apriltag |
3.4.0 |
3.4.2 |
aricpp |
1.1.2 |
1.1.3 |
arpack-ng |
3.9.0#1 |
3.9.1 |
arrow |
16.0.0#1 |
16.1.0 |
async-mqtt |
4.1.0 |
5.1.1 |
autodock-vina |
1.2.5#1 |
1.2.5#2 |
avcpp |
2.3.0 |
2.4.0 |
azure-core-amqp-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.8 |
1.0.0-beta.9 |
azure-core-cpp |
1.11.3 |
1.12.0 |
azure-messaging-eventhubs-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.7 |
1.0.0-beta.8 |
azure-storage-blobs-cpp |
12.10.0#1 |
12.11.0 |
azure-storage-common-cpp |
12.5.0#1 |
12.6.0 |
azure-storage-files-datalake-cpp |
12.9.0#1 |
12.10.0 |
azure-storage-files-shares-cpp |
12.8.0#1 |
12.9.0 |
baresip-libre |
3.11.0 |
3.12.0 |
bddisasm |
2.1.0 |
2.1.4 |
bde | | |
bext-sml |
1.1.9 |
1.1.11 |
bext-wintls |
0.9.7 |
0.9.8 |
bgfx |
1.122.8595-458 |
1.127.8725-469 |
blas |
2023-04-14 |
2023-04-14#1 |
bond |
10.0.0#2 |
10.0.0#3 |
boost |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-accumulators |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-algorithm |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-align |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-any |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-array |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-asio |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-assert |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-assign |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-atomic |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-beast |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-bimap |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-bind |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-build |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-callable-traits |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-chrono |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-circular-buffer |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-cobalt |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-compat |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-compatibility |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-compute |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-concept-check |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-config |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-container |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0#1 |
boost-container-hash |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-context |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-contract |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-conversion |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-convert |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-core |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-coroutine |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-coroutine2 |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-crc |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-date-time |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-describe |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-detail |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-dll |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-dynamic-bitset |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-endian |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-exception |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-fiber |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-filesystem |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-flyweight |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-foreach |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-format |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-function |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-function-types |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-functional |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-fusion |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-geometry |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-gil |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-graph |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-graph-parallel |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-hana |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-heap |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-histogram |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-hof |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-icl |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-integer |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-interprocess |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0#1 |
boost-interval |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-intrusive |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-io |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-iostreams |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-iterator |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-json |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-lambda |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-lambda2 |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-leaf |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-lexical-cast |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-local-function |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-locale |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-lockfree |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-log |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-logic |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-math |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-metaparse |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-move |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-mp11 |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-mpi |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-mpl |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-msm |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-multi-array |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-multi-index |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-multiprecision |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-mysql |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-nowide |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-numeric-conversion |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-odeint |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-optional |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-outcome |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-parameter |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-parameter-python |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-pfr |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-phoenix |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-poly-collection |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-polygon |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-pool |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-predef |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-preprocessor |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-process |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-program-options |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-property-map |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-property-map-parallel |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-property-tree |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-proto |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-ptr-container |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-python |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-qvm |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-random |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-range |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-ratio |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-rational |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-redis |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-regex |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-safe-numerics |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-scope-exit |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-serialization |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-signals2 |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-smart-ptr |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-sort |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-spirit |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-stacktrace |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-statechart |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-static-assert |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-static-string |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-stl-interfaces |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-system |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-test |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-thread |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-throw-exception |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-timer |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-tokenizer |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-tti |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-tuple |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-type-erasure |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-type-index |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-type-traits |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-typeof |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-ublas |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-uninstall |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-units |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-unordered |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-url |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-utility |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-uuid |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-variant |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-variant2 |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-vmd |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-wave |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-winapi |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-xpressive |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-yap |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
breakpad |
2023-01-27#1 |
2023-06-01 |
bxzstr |
1.2.0#1 |
1.2.1 |
cachelib |
2024.04.15.00 |
2024.05.06.00 |
catch2 |
3.5.4 |
3.6.0 |
cctag |
1.0.2#5 |
1.0.2#6 |
cgal |
5.6.1 |
5.6.1#1 |
cgltf |
1.13 |
1.14 |
cli11 |
2.4.1 |
2.4.2 |
collada-dom |
2.5.0#10 |
2.5.0#11 |
configcat |
4.0.0 |
4.0.1 |
cpprestsdk |
2.10.19 |
2.10.19#1 |
cpptrace |
0.5.2 |
0.5.4 |
crashpad |
2022-09-05#5 |
2024-04-11 |
ctre |
3.8.1 |
3.9.0 |
cuda-api-wrappers |
0.6.7 |
0.6.9 |
cudnn |
7.6.5#11 |
7.6.5#12 |
curl |
8.7.1#2 |
8.8.0 |
dataframe |
3.0.0 |
3.1.0 |
daw-header-libraries |
2.101.0 |
2.106.0 |
daw-json-link |
3.23.2 |
3.24.0 |
dcmtk |
3.6.8#3 |
3.6.8#5 |
devil |
1.8.0#12 |
1.8.0#13 |
discord-rpc |
3.4.0#3 |
3.4.0#4 |
discordcoreapi |
2.0.5 |
2.0.6 |
docopt |
2022-03-15 |
2022-03-15#1 |
dpp |
10.0.29 |
10.0.30 |
drogon |
1.9.3 |
1.9.4 |
eventpp |
0.1.3 |
0.1.3#1 |
fastrtps |
2.7.0#5 |
2.14.0 |
fbthrift |
2024.04.15.00 |
2024.05.06.00 |
ffmpeg |
6.1.1#2 |
6.1.1#4 |
fizz |
2024.04.15.00 |
2024.05.06.00 |
flatbush |
1.2.0 |
1.2.1 |
folly |
2024.04.15.00 |
2024.05.06.00 |
frugally-deep |
0.15.31 |
0.15.31#1 |
gdal |
3.8.5 |
3.9.0 |
gdk-pixbuf |
2.42.10#5 |
2.42.12 |
gettext-libintl |
0.22.5 |
0.22.5#1 |
gl3w |
2018-05-31#4 |
2018-05-31#5 |
glaze |
2.4.5 |
2.6.4 |
glslang |
14.0.0 |
14.2.0 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.23.0 |
2.24.0 |
graphicsmagick |
1.3.41 |
1.3.41#1 |
gtk |
4.10.5#1 |
4.10.5#2 |
gul14 |
2.11.0 |
2.11.2 |
harfbuzz |
8.4.0#1 |
8.5.0 |
icu |
74.2#1 |
74.2#2 |
igraph |
0.10.11 |
0.10.12 |
imgui |
1.90.2 |
1.90.6 |
itk |
5.3rc02 |
5.3rc02#1 |
jsoncons |
0.173.4 |
0.175.0 |
jsonifier |
0.9.94 |
0.9.95 |
kangaru |
4.3.1 |
4.3.2 |
kdalgorithms |
1.2 |
1.3 |
lapack |
2023-06-10 |
2023-06-10#1 |
lapack-reference |
3.11.0#5 |
3.11.0#6 |
libassert |
2.0.1 |
2.0.2 |
libavif |
1.0.4 |
1.0.4#1 |
libbson |
1.26.2 |
1.27.1 |
libcap |
2.69#4 |
2.69#5 |
libdjinterop |
0.20.3 |
0.21.0 |
libfork |
3.7.1 |
3.8.0 |
libgd |
2.3.3#2 |
2.3.3#3 |
libgit2 |
1.6.4#1 |
1.8.0 |
libgpiod |
2.1 |
2.1.2 |
libgxps |
0.3.2#2 |
0.3.2#3 |
libharu |
2.4.4 |
2.4.4#1 |
libjxl |
0.10.2#2 |
0.10.2#3 |
libmagic |
5.45#2 |
5.45#3 |
libmidi2 |
0.7 |
0.10 |
libnick |
2024.3.0 |
2024.3.1 |
libobfuscate |
2023-03-23 |
2024-02-11 |
libodb |
2.4.0#10 |
2.4.0#11 |
libopnmidi |
1.5.1#1 |
1.5.1#2 |
libqglviewer |
2.9.1#2 |
2.9.1#3 |
libslirp |
4.7.0 |
4.8.0 |
libsoup |
3.4.4 |
3.4.4#1 |
libsystemd |
255#1 |
255#2 |
liburing |
2.5 |
2.6 |
libwebp |
1.4.0 |
1.4.0#1 |
libxcrypt |
4.4.36 |
4.4.36#1 |
libxpm |
3.5.16 |
3.5.16#1 |
litehtml |
0.6.0#2 |
0.9.0 |
mapnik |
2023-06-12#3 |
2024-04-18 |
mathgl |
8.0.1#5 |
8.0.1#6 |
mdl-sdk |
2021.1.2#4 |
2021.1.2#5 |
mongo-c-driver |
1.26.2 |
1.27.1 |
mongoose |
7.13 |
7.14 |
mp-units |
2.1.0 |
2.1.1 |
mp3lame |
3.100#12 |
3.100#13 |
msgpack |
6.0.0#1 |
6.1.1 |
mvfst |
2024.04.15.00 |
2024.05.06.00 |
nanoflann |
1.5.1 |
1.5.5 |
nghttp2 |
1.61.0 |
1.62.1 |
ngtcp2 |
1.2.0 |
1.5.0 |
opencv2 | | |
opencv3 |
3.4.18#13 |
3.4.18#14 |
opencv4 |
4.8.0#16 |
4.8.0#19 |
openh264 |
2021-03-16#3 |
2021-03-16#4 |
openimageio | | |
openjpeg |
2.5.2 |
2.5.2#1 |
openmvg |
2.0#9 |
2.0#10 |
openmvs |
2.1.0#3 |
2.1.0#5 |
openslide |
3.4.1#3 |
3.4.1#4 |
openssl |
3.3.0 |
3.3.0#1 |
openvino |
2024.0.0 |
2024.1.0 |
openvr |
1.23.7 |
2.5.1 |
pangolin |
0.8#2 |
0.8#3 |
paraview |
5.11.0#5 |
5.12.0 |
pcl |
1.14.0#3 |
1.14.1 |
pcre |
8.45#5 |
8.45#6 |
perfetto |
44.0 |
45.0 |
poppler |
24.3.0 |
24.3.0#1 |
protobuf |
3.21.12#2 |
3.21.12#3 |
proxy |
2.3.2 |
2.4.0 |
proxygen |
2024.04.15.00 |
2024.05.06.00 |
pybind11 |
2.12.0 |
2.12.0#1 |
python3 |
3.11.8#1 |
3.11.8#2 |
qt |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qt3d |
6.6.1 |
6.7.0 |
qt5-base |
5.15.13#1 |
5.15.13#3 |
qt5-doc |
5.15.13#1 |
5.15.13#2 |
qt5-imageformats |
5.15.13#1 |
5.15.13#2 |
qt5-tools |
5.15.13#1 |
5.15.13#2 |
qt5compat |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtactiveqt |
6.6.1 |
6.7.0 |
qtapplicationmanager |
6.6.1 |
6.7.0 |
qtbase |
6.6.1#12 |
6.7.0 |
qtcharts |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtcoap |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtconnectivity |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtdatavis3d |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtdeclarative |
6.6.1 |
6.7.0 |
qtdeviceutilities |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtdoc |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtgraphs |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtgrpc |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qthttpserver |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtimageformats |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtinterfaceframework |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtlanguageserver |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtlocation |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtlottie |
6.6.1 |
6.7.0 |
qtmqtt |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtmultimedia |
6.6.1#2 |
6.7.0 |
qtnetworkauth |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtopcua |
6.6.1#2 |
6.7.0 |
qtpositioning |
6.6.1#3 |
6.7.0 |
qtquick3d |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtquick3dphysics |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtquickeffectmaker |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtquicktimeline |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtremoteobjects |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtscxml |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtsensors |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtserialbus |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtserialport |
6.6.1#2 |
6.7.0 |
qtshadertools |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtspeech |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtsvg |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qttools |
6.6.1#2 |
6.7.0#1 |
qttranslations |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtvirtualkeyboard |
6.6.1 |
6.7.0 |
qtwayland |
6.6.1 |
6.7.0 |
qtwebchannel |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtwebengine |
6.6.1#5 |
6.7.0#1 |
qtwebsockets |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qtwebview |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
quill |
3.8.0 |
3.9.0 |
qwt |
2023-05-12 |
6.3.0 |
rapidcheck |
2023-01-13 |
2023-12-14 |
rest-rpc |
0.07#2 |
0.12 |
roaring |
3.0.0 |
3.0.1 |
robotraconteur |
1.1.1 |
1.2.0#1 |
rtaudio |
6.0.1 |
6.0.1#1 |
sail |
0.9.4 |
0.9.5 |
scnlib |
2.0.2#2 |
2.0.2#3 |
sdl2-image |
2.8.2#1 |
2.8.2#2 |
selene |
0.3.1#6 |
0.3.1#7 |
sentry-native |
0.7.2 |
0.7.4 |
shader-slang |
2024.1.7 |
2024.1.12 |
simde |
0.8.0 |
0.8.2 |
simdjson |
3.8.0 |
3.9.2 |
soem |
2023-06-09#1 |
2023-06-09#2 |
spdlog |
1.13.0#1 |
1.14.1 |
sqlite-orm |
1.8.2#1 |
1.8.2#2 |
sqlite3 |
3.45.3 |
3.45.3#1 |
taskflow |
3.6.0 |
3.7.0 |
thorvg |
0.13.1 |
0.13.2 |
tinygltf |
2.8.21 |
2.8.22 |
tinyorm |
0.36.5#2 |
0.37.3 |
trantor |
1.5.17#1 |
1.5.18 |
tvision |
2021-08-10#1 |
2024-02-28 |
type-safe |
0.2.3 |
0.2.4 |
usd |
23.5#3 |
24.5 |
usockets |
0.8.6#1 |
0.8.8#1 |
vcpkg-cmake |
2023-05-04 |
2024-04-18 |
vcpkg-pkgconfig-get-modules |
2023-09-06 |
2024-04-03 |
vcpkg-tool-meson |
1.3.2#2 |
1.3.2#3 |
vsgimgui |
0.1.0 |
0.3.0 |
vtk |
9.2.0-pv5.11.0#12 |
9.3.0-pv5.12.0#3 |
vtk-m |
1.9.0#2 |
2.1.0 |
vxl |
2.0.2#5 |
2.0.2#6 |
wangle |
2024.04.15.00 |
2024.05.06.00 |
wt |
4.10.4 |
4.10.4#1 |
wxwidgets |
3.2.4#1 |
3.2.5 |
xbyak |
6.73 |
7.6 |
yara |
4.3.2#1 |
4.5.0 |
yomm2 |
1.5.0 |
1.5.1 |
zycore |
1.3.0#1 |
1.5.0 |
The following 3 ports have been removed:
port |
boost-modular-build-helper |
boost-vcpkg-helpers |
fplus |
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2024.04.26...2024.05.24