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@uifabric migration

Fluent UI Team edited this page Apr 9, 2022 · 5 revisions

The migration package provides code modifications and notes in order to ease upgrades between fabric versions. This package is only applicable when upgrading from office-ui-fabric-react 6 to 7.

Can be run with npx inside your project without being an explicit dependency.


  migration [-w] VERSION

  -h --help   Display this message
  -w --write  Write changes directly to files


Run in notify-only mode:

$ npx @uifabric/[email protected] 7


Apply migration steps:
- warn ColorPicker-related onChanged props removed

- warn ComboBox.onChanged removed
  src/tsx/combocontrol.tsx:13:11 - onChanged is removed; please use onChange instead (NOTE: the arguments have changed from onChanged to onChange; please update accordingly)

- remove use of deprecated ComboBox props

- createRef should come from React.createRef, not from office-ui-fabric-react
- rename componentWillReceiveProps with UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps
- warn SearchBox.onChange args changed

- warn autobind decorator removed

- Deprecated DetailsRowCheck.isSelected has been removed. Use DetailsRowCheck.selected instead.

- warn Slider.ValuePosition removed
  src/ts/file0.ts:4:9 - ValuePosition no longer available
  src/ts/file0.ts:5:9 - ValuePosition no longer available

Run in write mode:

Important: Before running with -w, ensure all files are backed up or checked in to version control.

$ npx @uifabric/[email protected] -w 7

Supported versions

The migration package currently supports migrations to the following versions:


ColorPicker - onChanged props removed (Notify only)


ComboBox - onChanged removed (Notify only)


ComboBox - remove use of deprecated props


DetailsRowCheck - isSelected has been removed. Use DetailsRowCheck.selected instead.


React - createRef should come from React.createRef, not from office-ui-fabric-react

React's implementation of createRef has improved to the degree where the office-ui-fabric-react version does not provide additional value. As a result, Fabric 7 no longer provides createRef. This migration will import createRef from react while removing it from office-ui-fabric-react's import statements.

React - rename componentWillReceiveProps with UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps

React is removing support for componentWillReceiveProps and will only be supporting the method as UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps in future versions (before removing support entirely). See for more information. This migration renames all instances of this function in a codebase.

SearchBox - onChange args changed (Notify only)


Slider - ValuePosition removed (Notify only)


Util - autobind decorator removed (Notify only)

Fabric 6 and earlier versions shipped a decorator called autobind. Autobind takes a function definition and binds it to this on class instantiation, such that all calls to the method would have a predicable this value regardless of their invocation.

In practice, a const lambda function provides the same guarantees of binding this without the need for annotation support, which is not on by default.

In practice, these are the practical changes needed:

class Foo {
  private _val = 0;

  // using autobind - no longer supported directly by fabric
  bar(): void {
    console.log(this._val); // this is always bound correctly

  // recommended
  bar = (): void => {
    console.log(this._val); // this is always bound correctly

If stopping use of @autobind represents a large migration burden, consider implementing it in your own codebase or finding an implementation in a pre-existing package, as several exist.

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