Releases: microsoft/azure-spring-boot
Azure Spring Boot Starters 2.3.2
Azure Spring Boot Starters 2.2.5
Azure Spring Boot Starters 2.3.1
- Fix spring boot version error.
Azure Spring Boot Starters 2.3.0
- Update spring-boot version to 2.3.0.
- Update spring-data-gremlin version to 2.3.0.
- Update spring-data-cosmosdb version to 2.3.0.
Azure Spring Boot Starters 2.2.4
Fix issues:
- Upgrade Spring-Data-Cosmos to 2.2.3.FIX1 to fix memory leaks.
- Fix the AAD single-tenant login issue.
Azure Spring Boot Starters 2.1.10
Fix the AAD single-tenant login issue.
Azure Spring Boot Starters 2.2.3
- Replace the ADAL library with the MSAL library.
- Upgrade the Cosmos SDK version to 3.7.0.
Azure Spring Boot Starters 2.1.9
- Replace the ADAL library with the MSAL library.
- Upgrade Spring Data Cosmos version to 2.1.10.
Azure Spring Boot Starters 2.1.8
1.update keyvault sdk to 4.1.0.
2.refine keyvault specific keys handling logic.
PS: Because of the new keyvault SDK use SDK: azure-identity to do authentication, so the old credential related classes have been deprecated such as and
Azure Spring Boot Starters 2.2.2
1.update keyvault SDK to 4.1.0.
2.refine keyvault specific keys handle logic.
PS: Because of the new keyvault SDK use SDK: azure-identity to do authentication, so the old credential related classes have been deprecated such as and