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9 Configure Matomo

Berges Yannick edited this page Apr 4, 2022 · 3 revisions

Hello a new feature is added in v2 version you can know load a matomo dashboard

  1. you need an matomo installation and analytics added in you site :)
  2. configure matotmo to remove redirection on loading user by defaut matomo redirect anonymous user to global dasboard and create a loop in my module disable this image
  3. create user in matomo and allow access to site* image
  4. login user create in 3 and create a token image

Becarefull copy and take in security your token you can't check it after

  1. in dashboard module add site id and url image

*You can display a dasboard with 2 modes :

  • anonyme mode : allow anyone to see dashboard with direct url (not recommended) image
  • secure mode : need to generate token and user access
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