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Teeditor is an unofficial standalone map editor for a retro 2D multiplayer shooter Teeworlds.

It is a separate product, associated with the original sources of the game only indirectly. E.g. images of default tilesets, the structure of the .map file.


Unlike the standard in-game editor, this application provides a number of new features and conveniences.

For example, such as:

  • Program association with .map files (quick map opening without the need to load the game client);
  • Simultaneous editing of several files (tabs support);
  • Drag&Drop in the Group and Layer Explorer (reordering and changing the nesting level);
  • Undo/Redo for a number of important functions with the history of changes (editing layers, editing parameters, etc.);
  • Full-featured map navigator in the form of a thumbnail with a view box;
  • New animation editor with timer and slider, based on Keyframe-Drag&Drop and giving more control over animation;
  • Working in both windowed and full-screen modes;
  • A more responsive interface that resembles the original in structure;
  • Saving map images;
  • Support for dark and light themes;
  • Many other smaller improvements.



Logo and start screen

The logo and start screen are a reference to the game Teepop, which was the forerunner of Teewars, which was the forerunner of Teeworlds. Not otherwise. Think of it as a tribute to whoever came up with those circles with eyes.


Documentation with instructions and program features will be added soon.


It is distributed through the Microsoft Windows Store.


The program is only compatible with the Windows 10 operating system with a minimum version 17763.0.


Current public version: v1.0.0.0-beta.

Tech stack comparing

Original game client Teeditor
Language C++ C#, C++/CX
Graphics API OpenGL (SDL 2.0) DirectX 11 (Win2D, DirectXTK)
Platform Game UWP


Licensed under the GPL-3.0 License. Please refer to for more information.


The development of the project was started by a simple desire to go back 10 years, when I was having fun playing this seemingly unkillable game. My introduction to the world of programming and the C++ language began with this game. I went to school at the time, I was about 13-14 years old. The power of my computer didn't allow me to play big games, so I stumbled upon TeeWorlds. The only thing I don't remember exactly is how I downloaded Visual Studio that way. I guess I was just wondering what "Source" meant in the link on the download page and what to do with those files. The first thing I programmed at the time was a modified version of the client - a bot for Instagib that fired a laser beam the moment it crossed the line from Tee to the aiming cursor. I didn't distribute it, but I played on the sICTF mod servers for a long time and never got noticed or banned.

Well, Sorry emoticon

— Stanislaw Michailowski


Any support on your part will be very welcome! Become a sponsor of the project!
For any questions or suggestions, please contact the author of the project.