This is a fork from vuetify-mask updated to work with Vuetify 3.x and Vue 3.x. Please refer to the original project if you need Vue 2.x compatibility.
vuetify-mask is a component for working with some of the main types of masks in the v-text-field.
See Demo heresoon.- GitHub.
- vuejs
- vuetify ($ npm install vuetify --save)
- dayjs ($ npm install dayjs --save)
- material design icon ($ npm install @mdi/font -D --save)
Only available installing with GitHub repo
$ npm install github:mibsbalsante/vuetify-mask-3
Register the component globally in your main.js file:
import VuetifyMask from "vuetify-money-3";
Or import locally as a component:
import { VTextFieldCep } from "vuetify-money-3";
export default {
props: {},
components: { VTextFieldCep },
render: () => {}
You can add any v-text-field property
v-text-field properties.
Properties that have hyphens (single-line, background-color...) should be changed as follows:
:properties="{ singleLine: true, backgroundColor: 'red' }"
:properties="{ 'single-line': true, 'background-color': 'red' }"
Option | Component | Default | Description |
inputMask | Money, Percent, Integer, DateTime, SimpleMask | Mask that will be applied in the v-text-field | |
outputMask | Money, Percent, Integer, SimpleMask, CPF, CNPJ, CEP | Mask that will be applied in the v-model | |
empty | Money, Percent, Integer, DateTime, SimpleMask, CPF, CNPJ, CEP, DotNumber | "" | Value in v-model when v-text-field is empty. Can be null, "" or other |
deprecated | Use v-model.lazy instead | ||
alphanumeric | SimpleMask | false | |
lowerCase | SimpleMask | false | |
acceptFile | FileBase64 | image/* | Sets the file type to convert to base64 |
Event | Component | value | Description |
update:modelValue | All | Event | Emitted on v-model update |
update:masked | Cep, CNPJ, CPF, DateTime, DotNumber, Integer, SimpleMask | Event | Emitted when the input mask is updated |
update:signal | NegativeDecimal | Event | Emitted when the value is updated between positive and negative |
Native event | value | Description |
blur | Event | Emitted when the input is blurred |
Use update:modelValue with .lazy modifier instead | ||
click | MouseEvent | Emitted when input is clicked |
focus | Event | Emitted when component is focused |
Use update:modelValue instead | ||
keydown | KeyboardEvent | Emitted when any key is pressed |
mousedown | MouseEvent | Emitted when click is pressed |
mouseup | MouseEvent | Event mouseup |
prefix: 'R$',
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
variant: 'filled',
clearable: true,
placeholder: ''
locale: 'pt-BR',
length: 11,
precision: 6,
empty: null
export default {
data: () => ({
value: "123456789.00", // 123456789.00 or "123456789.00" or "" or null
label: "Money",
disabled: false
suffix: '%',
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
variant: 'filled',
clearable: true,
placeholder: ''
locale: 'pt-BR',
length: 3,
precision: 2,
empty: null
export default {
data: () => ({
value: "12.34", // 12.34 or "12.34" or "" or null
label: "Percent",
focus: false
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
variant: 'filled',
clearable: true,
placeholder: ''
inputMask: '#########',
outputMask: '#########',
empty: null
@focus="focus = false"
export default {
data: () => ({
value: "123456789", // 123456789 or "123456789" or "" or null
label: "Integer",
focus: false
Works in milliseconds.
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
variant: 'filled',
clearable: true,
placeholder: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss',
'prepend-icon': 'mdi-calendar'
inputMask: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss',
empty: null
@focus="focus = false"
export default {
data: () => ({
value: "1595386800000", // Milliseconds
label: "DateTime",
focus: false
~~ Works in milliseconds~~ not reimplemented yet.
label="Date Time"
backgroundColor: '#EEE9E9',
clearable: false,
variant: 'outlined',
prependIcon: 'mdi-calendar',
appendIcon: 'mdi-av-timer'
tabDateTitle: 'Date',
tabTimeTitle: 'Time',
tabBackgroundColor: 'green',
locale: 'en-US',
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
closeOnDateClick: false,
useSeconds: false
export default {
data: () => ({
value: 1558220700000
prefix: '',
suffix: '',
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
variant: 'filled',
clearable: true,
placeholder: ''
inputMask: '#### #### #### ####',
outputMask: '################',
empty: null,
alphanumeric: true,
lowerCase: false
@focus="focus = false"
export default {
data: () => ({
value: "1234432112344321",
label: "Credit Card",
focus: false
prefix: '',
suffix: '',
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
variant: 'filled',
clearable: true,
placeholder: ''
inputMask: '(##) #####-####',
outputMask: '###########',
empty: null,
alphanumeric: true,
lowerCase: false
@focus="focus = false"
export default {
data: () => ({
value: "99999999999",
label: "Phone Number",
focus: false
You can create your masks.
prefix: '',
suffix: '',
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
variant: 'filled',
clearable: true,
placeholder: ''
inputMask: '##-####-####-###',
outputMask: '##-####-####-###',
empty: null,
alphanumeric: true,
lowerCase: false
@focus="focus = false"
export default {
data: () => ({
value: "23-A568-B953-356", // "23-A568-B953-356" or "" or null
label: "Simple Mask",
focus: false
Convert files to base 64.
variant: 'outlined',
placeholder: '',
appendIcon: 'mdi-message-image-outline'
acceptFile: 'image/*'
@fileName="fileName = $event"
export default {
data: () => ({
value: "",
fileName: "",
label: "Select Image"
Other acceptFile options: acceptFile:'image/*' acceptFile:'application/pdf'
Accept only dot and numbers.
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
variant: 'filled',
clearable: true,
placeholder: ''
length: 20,
empty: null
export default {
data: () => ({
value: "1.23.456.789", // "" or null
label: "Only Dot and Number"
Brazilian mask.
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
variant: 'outlined',
clearable: true,
placeholder: ''
outputMask: '###########',
empty: null
@focus="focus = false"
export default {
data: () => ({
value: "97702036028", // 97702036028 or "97702036028" or "" or null
label: "CPF (Brazilian mask)",
focus: false
Brazilian mask.
disabled: false,
variant: 'outlined',
clearable: true,
placeholder: ''
outputMask: '##############',
empty: null
@focus="focus = false"
export default {
data: () => ({
value: "50703512000192", // 50703512000192 or "50703512000192" or "" or null
label: "CNPJ (Brazilian mask)",
focus: false
Brazilian mask.
disabled: false,
variant: 'outlined',
clearable: true,
placeholder: ''
outputMask: '########',
empty: null
@focus="focus = false"
export default {
data: () => ({
value: "82515260", // 82515260 or "82515260" or "" or null
label: "CEP (Brazilian mask)",
focus: false