In the e-commerce world, extracting product attributes is important. The extraction of attribute labels and values from free-text product descriptions can be useful for many tasks, such as product matching, product categorization, faceted product search, and product recommendation.
The image below shows the extracted attribute of a product titled 'Spigen Samsung S9 Case Ultra Copper Gold'.
I examine this problem as a sequence labelling task and utilize BERT for Token Classification model to extract multi-attributes from the product offers in Indonesian e-commerce platform. The dataset is obtained from this previous work. There are 16 kinds of attributes in their annotation scheme. Please check the paper directly to get more information about the dataset.
docker run --rm -it --name=attribute-extraction --gpus '"device=0"' --shm-size 32G -it --mount type=bind,src=<absolute path to product-attribute-extraction folder>,dst=/workspace/ pytorch/pytorch:1.5.1-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel
pip install -r requirements.txt
Alternatively, you can also use virtual environment.
The dataset is annotated using the Enamex format. The preparation contains several steps, i.e., convert Enamex to Stanford and convert Stanford to BIO format. After performing a manual inspection on the dataset, I found that some incorrect labellings from the raw data cause a failure when converting the Enamex into Stanford format. To handle this, I manually fix the wrong Enamex format from the original file.
Sequence labeling is a typical NLP task that assigns a specific label or class to each token within a sequence. In this context, a single word is a 'token'. These tags can be used in further downstream models as features of the token, or to enhance the model. Fine-tuning BERT for text tagging applications is illustrated in the figure below.
To fine tune the model, please run this script