Why this app you need to use?
- This app can resize a multiple file such as jpg and png images within a second.
- This app can edit your all file name such as images, videos within a second
- In the time of resizing your images, this app maintain aspect ratio
- Option also available to force resize
- After rename your file, it's easy to sort
How the code works?
To make this, first you need to download pillow & them import to your code
from PIL import Image
import os
to maintain aspect ratio, following line will work better
i.thumbnail((200,200)) # (width,height) in pixel
to mforce the size, following line will work better
i=i.resize((200,200),Image.ANTIALIAS) # Image.ANTIALIAS forces here to make the image into 200px X 200px
In the following rename code, we have to be said the current image folder and target folder
img_source='C:\\Users\\MH HABIB\\Desktop\\python\\projet\\images\\'
img_destination='C:\\Users\\MH HABIB\\Desktop\\python\\projet\\images\\200'