Releases: metaclass-nl/MetaclassAuthenticationGuardBundle
Leave clearing the session to SessionAuthenticationStrategy
Clearing the session is out of scope for the AuthenticationGuardBundle. Somenone who wants to clear the session should implement a SessionAuthenticationStrategy of his own, inject the TokenSotorageInterface from the service configuration and in the onAuthentication method clear the session when both $oldToken and $newToken are instanceof UsernamePasswordToken and usernames of both tokens are different.
Leave clearing the session to SessionAuthenticationStrategy
Clearing the session is out of scope for the AuthenticationGuardBundle. Somenone who wants to clear the session should implement a SessionAuthenticationStrategy of his own, inject the TokenSotorageInterface from the service configuration and in the onAuthentication method clear the session when both $oldToken and $newToken are instanceof UsernamePasswordToken and usernames of both tokens are different.
Leave clearing the session to SessionAuthenticationStrategy
Clearing the session is out of scope for the AuthenticationGuardBundle. Somenone who wants to clear the session should implement a SessionAuthenticationStrategy of his own, inject the TokenSotorageInterface from the service configuration and in the onAuthentication method clear the session when both $oldToken and $newToken are instanceof UsernamePasswordToken and usernames of both tokens are different.
Tested with FOSUserBundle
English boolean translations corrected
#21 English boolean translations inverted
For Symfony 2.7 and 2.8
Solved issues:
#15 Remove hard-coded Dutch labels
#16 Missing used MenuItem package/dependency
#17 Default configuration set without adding to config.yml
#18 Minimally adapt to Symfony 2.8
#14 web based user interfave no longer requires DoctrineBundle
- Web based user interface more extendable
User interface independent of DoctrineBundle
#14 Symfony / Doctrine Compatibility
- Controller\GuardStatsController no longer uses annotations
- controller class is now parameterized (metaclass_auth_guard.ui.statistics.controller)
Make web based user interface more extendable:
- parameter ui.statistics.template now in bundle parameters
Solved issues web based user interface and default config
Supports fixed execution times
- Added supports for fixed execution times to migitate possible timing attacks
- requires tresholds governor 0.2
Usable but not up to standards
- Added a function for garbage collection
- Refactored Tresholds Goovernor into a seperate cross framework library
with api to support custom extensions for NoSQL storage - User agent no longer tracked
- Improved documentation with databse indexes and defs
- Added Web based user interface for user administrators to look into why a user may have been blocked.