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Releases: metaclass-nl/MetaclassAuthenticationGuardBundle

Leave clearing the session to SessionAuthenticationStrategy

19 Sep 10:46
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Clearing the session is out of scope for the AuthenticationGuardBundle. Somenone who wants to clear the session should implement a SessionAuthenticationStrategy of his own, inject the TokenSotorageInterface from the service configuration and in the onAuthentication method clear the session when both $oldToken and $newToken are instanceof UsernamePasswordToken and usernames of both tokens are different.

Leave clearing the session to SessionAuthenticationStrategy

19 Sep 10:44
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Clearing the session is out of scope for the AuthenticationGuardBundle. Somenone who wants to clear the session should implement a SessionAuthenticationStrategy of his own, inject the TokenSotorageInterface from the service configuration and in the onAuthentication method clear the session when both $oldToken and $newToken are instanceof UsernamePasswordToken and usernames of both tokens are different.

Leave clearing the session to SessionAuthenticationStrategy

19 Sep 09:10
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Clearing the session is out of scope for the AuthenticationGuardBundle. Somenone who wants to clear the session should implement a SessionAuthenticationStrategy of his own, inject the TokenSotorageInterface from the service configuration and in the onAuthentication method clear the session when both $oldToken and $newToken are instanceof UsernamePasswordToken and usernames of both tokens are different.

Tested with FOSUserBundle

13 Jan 17:15
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#18 Minimally adapt to Symfony 2.8

  • Last conctructor argument may be a CsrfTokenManagerInterface

#21 English boolean translations inverted

English boolean translations corrected

13 Jan 17:24
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#21 English boolean translations inverted

For Symfony 2.7 and 2.8

26 Dec 10:10
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Solved issues:
#15 Remove hard-coded Dutch labels
#16 Missing used MenuItem package/dependency
#17 Default configuration set without adding to config.yml
#18 Minimally adapt to Symfony 2.8

#14 web based user interfave no longer requires DoctrineBundle

  • Web based user interface more extendable

User interface independent of DoctrineBundle

25 Dec 14:26
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#14 Symfony / Doctrine Compatibility

  • Controller\GuardStatsController no longer uses annotations
  • controller class is now parameterized (metaclass_auth_guard.ui.statistics.controller)

Make web based user interface more extendable:

  • parameter ui.statistics.template now in bundle parameters

Solved issues web based user interface and default config

24 Dec 14:06
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Solved issues:
#15 Remove hard-coded Dutch labels
#16 Missing used MenuItem package/dependency
#17 Default configuration set without adding to config.yml

Supports fixed execution times

10 May 16:21
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  • Added supports for fixed execution times to migitate possible timing attacks
  • requires tresholds governor 0.2

Usable but not up to standards

25 Jul 15:08
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  • Added a function for garbage collection
  • Refactored Tresholds Goovernor into a seperate cross framework library
    with api to support custom extensions for NoSQL storage
  • User agent no longer tracked
  • Improved documentation with databse indexes and defs
  • Added Web based user interface for user administrators to look into why a user may have been blocked.