This is the MediaCT coding standard, it contains rule sets for PHPCS and PHPMD.
Use composer to install the coding standard in the home directory.
composer global require mediact/coding-standard
First configure PHPStorm to use the right phpcs command.
Go to Settings > Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Code Sniffer. Choose
"Local" for the path and fill in the full path to
Then go to Settings > Editor > Inspections and search for PHP Code Sniffer
Validation. Select Custom and the add the path to
To use the standard in a project the standard needs to be required in composer.
cd <project_directory>
composer require mediact/coding-standard --dev
This will add the coding standard to the vendor directory of the project.
To let phpcs use the coding standard add a file phpcs.xml to the root of the project.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rule ref="./vendor/mediact/coding-standard/src/MediaCT"/>
The standard can be checked from the command line by going to the directory.
cd <project_directory>
./vendor/bin/phpcs ./src
By default PHP CodeSniffer shows only messages with a severity higher than 5. The MediaCT coding standard also has some messages with a lower severity. These are messages that encourage a better way of coding but should not block a pull request.
To configure phpcs to show also these messages execute the following command.
~/.config/composer/vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set severity 1