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Jimmy Jenkins edited this page Nov 25, 2017 · 1 revision

This mod provides lots of commands. This page is a detailed documentation of these commands. All commands in this document are presented in alphabetical order. Sub-commands are presented in logical order, though.

Command Syntax Legend

Symbol Description
Wrappped in < and > Required command argument.
Wrapped in [ and ] Optional command argument.
` ` in the argument
... on the end of argument Multiple values, semantics are usually described further.

Aperture command

Aperture command is a server-side command. At the time of 1.1 release, this command allows to playback camera profile from a command block on given players.

Playback a camera profile

/aperture play <target|camera_profile> [camera_profile]

If you pass only &lt;target|camera_profile&gt;, then the given camera profile will be played back on you. If you pass two arguments after play, then you would be able to specify both player (using username or target selector) and camera profile.

Camera command

Camera command is a client-side command allows you to manage camera profile and its camera fixtures. This command has a lot of sub-commands which are covered below.

For more information, see page about camera.

Starting and stopping camera profiles

Camera command gives you ability to start or stop camera's playback (based on camera's profile camera fixtures). General syntax for starting and stopping a camera profile:

/camera <start|stop>

Saving and loading camera profiles

With camera command you can save and load camera profiles using following syntax of camera command:

/camera <save|load> <filename>

For /camera save, the <filename> argument isn't required, as long as your currently bound camera profile has a filename (you saved it once by providing it <filename> argument, or created new camera profile with /camera new and specified <filename>).

For example, if you saved your camera profile once with:

/camera save test

Then you can omit <filename> argument, and type directly:

/camera save

Your current camera profile will be saved to file named test.

If you'll specify the <filename> argument anyway, it will simply save your camera profile to another file, and next time you'll be saving to new <filename> if you'll omit <filename> argument.

Clear camera profile

If you want to remove all camera fixtures from currently loaded camera profile, use following syntax of camera command:

/camera clear

This will, however, won't change the <filename> of current camera profile.

Creating a new camera profile

If you want not only clear the camera profile, but also rename it (see /camera save command above), you can use following syntax of camera command to clear and rename (i.e. create new camera profile):

/camera new <filename>

This will create new camera profile with no camera fixtures and with different <filename>.

Camera settings

Camera command also provides few commands for managing properties of the camera like position, rotation, Field-Of-View (FOV) and camera roll.

Positioning camera

To set position or move camera relatively, you would use following syntax of camera command:

/camera step [x] [y] [z]

This command works like /tp command, if no relative values are given. It will teleport you to [x], [y] and [z]. You can also provide relative values using + or - signs.

For example, if your position is (500, 3, 100), and if you'll use execute this command:

/camera step 490 +1 -10

You will be teleported to (490, 4, 90). As you can see +1 and -10 is relative, thus resulting into 4 and 90, instead of 1 and -10.

Rotating camera

To rotate the camera, you would use following syntax of camera command:

/camera rotate [yaw] [pitch]

This command works similiar to /camera step command, but applies on camera's yaw (horizontal rotation) and pitch (vertical rotation). Relative values work with this command too.

Setting or getting FOV

To set camera FOV, you use following syntax of camera command:

/camera fov <fov_angle>

Where's <fov_angle> is a floating point number. This number can be any number, however, I advice you to stay in the range between 10 and 170 degrees. Just experiment with inputing different numbers. By default, player has 70.0 degrees of FOV. For capturing machinima, I use mostly 50.0. This command is similar to FOV slider in Minecraft's settings.

To get the value of your FOV, you would simply type in this command:

/camera fov

Setting or getting camera roll

Camera roll is rotation of the camera across Z-axis. Basically the same thing, as if you would roll on the floor (just try it out, you'll get what I mean). To set camera roll you would use this syntax of camera command:

/camera roll <angle>

Positive <angle> will roll your angle clockwise. Negative <angle> is rolling counter-clockwise. 180.0 degree either way will flip your camera vertically.

To get the value of your camera roll, you would simply type in this command:

/camera roll

Reseting camera visuals

To reset camera FOV and roll to default values (which are 70.0 and 0.0 for FOV and roll, respectively), you simply input this command into the command line:

/camera default

Camera fixture management

There's lots of sub-commands for camera fixture management. Let's start off with adding camera fixtures to camera profile.

Adding camera fixtures to camera profile

Command's syntax for adding camera fixtures:

/camera add <idle|path|look|follow|circular> <duration> [values...]

The first argument is the type of camera fixture you want to add, second argument is the duration of camera fixture that you adding, and other are the values of camera fixture.

For every type of camera fixture, there's different semantics for [values...] argument, but they're optional since all of these [values...] have default values.

Editing camera fixtures

Command's syntax for editing camera fixtures:

/camera edit <index> [values...]

Again these [values...], let's find out what do they mean. Every type of camera fixture have its own properties, like position. When you add or edit fixtures, camera fixtures have two input sources which they can use to extract required information: [values...] and player himself.

Only circular and path camera fixtures with edit command that actually use [values...], other camera fixtures use only the player as an input source.

Here's the list of possible [values...] for camera fixture types:

  • Circular fixture – /camera edit <index> <distance> <circles>, <distance> means how many blocks away to offset the circular motion from center point, and <circles> means for how many degrees to spin around the center point.
  • Path fixture – /camera edit <index> <point_index>, where <point_index> is index of a point which you want to edit. Editing of a point involves player's position, rotation, camera roll and FOV.

Removing camera fixtures

To remove the camera fixture from camera profile, simply use following camera command syntax:

/camera remove <index>

Moving camera fixtures

Let's say you want to move a camera fixture at the end or to beginning, then you'll need to use following camera command syntax:

/camera move <from> <to>

The argument names are pretty self-explanatory. To move camera fixture from index 2 to beginning (index 0), you'll use following command:

/camera move 2 0  

Setting fixture's duration

To set camera fixture's duration, simply use following camera command syntax:

/camera duration [index] [duration]

Duration of camera fixture is measured in ticks. 20 ticks is about 1 second (depending on the performance of the game, ticks might be skipped).

If you want to know the duration of current bound camera profile, simply invoke this command without arguments:

/camera duration

If you want to know the duration of camera fixture in current camera profile, simply specify the index of camera fixture, and the command will output the duration of given camera fixture:

/camera duration 0

Working with path fixture

There's only one type of camera fixture that requires more than just adding or editing itself, and it's the path fixture. Path fixture lets you create smooth camera movement, but to configure these paths you need to modify the points in the path.

Initially, /camera path command was a command which does one thing, but due to being different from other camera fixtures, it was transformed (in 1.4.7) into a sub-command with its own sub-commands.

Adding a point

To add a point to a path fixture, you would use following syntax of camera path sub-command:

/camera path add <index> [point]

This command will add a point based on current player's properties into a path fixture at index <index> in camera profile. If [point] argument not specified, the point will be added into the end of path fixture, otherwise before point at index [point] in path fixture.

Editing a point

To edit a point in a path fixture, you would use following syntax of camera path syb-command:

/camera path edit <index> <point>

This command will edit a point based on current player's properties in path fixture at index <index> in camera profile.

Removing a point

To remove a point from path fixture, you would use following syntax of camera path syb-command:

/camera path remove <index> <point>

This command will remove a point at index <point> in a path fixture at index <index> in camera profile.

Move a point

With /camera path sub-command you can also move points. Use following syntax to move a point in path fixture:

/camera path move <index> <from> <to>

This command will move point at <from> index before point at <to> index in a path fixture at <index> in current camera profile.

Go to a point

Main difficulty of using /camera goto with path fixtures is the need to make some calculations for [progress] argument (i.e. dividing desired [progress] by amount of points in a path fixture, in one word normalizing [progress]).

With /camera path goto sub-command, you can do it much easier:

/camera path goto <index> <point>

This command will teleport and setup your all camera properites (rotation, camera roll and FOV) to point's attributes which is at <point> index in path fixture which is at <index> in current camera profile.

Teleporting to camera fixture

Sometimes you may want to teleport to a camera fixture. This might be necessary to edit camera's fixture position or a point in the path fixture. You can use following camera command syntax to teleport to specific camera fixture:

/camera goto <index> [progress]

[progress] is an optional argument that allows you to set progress for camera fixtures like circular or path. For example, if you want to teleportin the middle of the path or circular fixture, you can type this command:

/camera goto 0 0.5

This sub-command will also apply camera fixture's FOV and roll.