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Secret NFT repo.


This project uses a framework called Redwood.js to get the benefits of graphql and typescript out of the box. To install the dependencies, run this in the root directory:

yarn install

Fire it up

yarn redwood dev

Your browser should open automatically to http://localhost:8910 to see the web app. Lambda functions run on http://localhost:8911 and are also proxied to http://localhost:8910/.redwood/functions/*.

Common Errors

  • If you get contract call revert exception errors, check to make sure metamask is connected to the correct network. (xdai / mainnet? for prod... localhost:8545 for dev)


  • I am concerned that random colors as the only attribute is not discernable enough. A user will not be able to immediately identify that a tape is "cool" unless by random chance that it gets a lot of the same colors. Its not really easy to quickly parse and tell a rare tape apart, especially for someone who does not do research into looking at the value. For that reason, it might be a better idea to have the visual characteristics be something more defining -- like a sticker on the label. Similar to how CryptoPunks have pipes, or glasses, etc. Its easy to see right away. Maybe: "shiny screws" or "rainbow tape" or something like that. I think as a V1 I might just stick with colors though

  • different levels of colors "rare colors" "common colors" etc

  • different animations of tape, some buttons to show different animations

  • Concerns with the contract. Nothing is stored on chain -- do people care about that? See DOM tweet about how NFTs are really just owning a collection of data, which this is.

  • Concerns about capacity not "truly" being a capcity. You could add a million songs to the metadata field for all I care... the capacity isn't actually imposing a constraint on the capacity of what is "stored" but it does impose a capcity on what is pulled through to the dapp. Makes you ask a somewhat philisophical question about NFTs -- what actually is the NFT? What sort of role does the dapp play in what you own? Sort of useless outside of the dapp (just a bundle of stats... completely arbitrary outside of the dapp)


  • better all tapes browser (one screen... true SPA)


  • figure out tape attributes

Serious Todos

  • opensea integration
  • my tapes
  • about
  • better defaults in stats
  • better stats (color rarity?)
  • actually implement capacity (low priority for now)


Need to run yarn rw prisma generate when changes are made to prisma config (changing db path etc) should we run a script to do everything for us?

  • deploy contracts
  • gather contract addresses
  • move contract addresses to client file
  • move abis to client file
  • clear the old database
  • re seed the database
  • ???

Figure out if theres any weirdness going on with the spotify API? Seems like they switched permissions


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