A lightweight and intuitive TeX editor for the everyday physicist. tomino is built using Vue3, Vite and Tauri, and supersedes its older predecessor ToM.
- Website: https://mbruno46.github.io/tomino/
- Source code: https://github.com/mbruno46/tomino/
- Bug reports: https://github.com/mbruno46/tomino/issues
Copyright (C) 2023, Mattia Bruno
for the compilation of LaTeX files. Instructions to install it on your system can be found here
Note: the app is free software and not signed for macOS. As a consequence, macOS prevents its installation and execution. To use tomino on macOS users should follow the instructions below.
- To automatically download and install the latest version in
open a terminal and type
# macOS
curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mbruno46/tomino/main/scripts/macos_installer.sh | bash -s
- Alternatively, download the lastest
release from here, unpack it and run the following command
xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine /path/to/tomino.app
Download the lastest release from here