👋 Hi, I’m Max @maxt86 Tuchin.
👀 I’m interested in programming using such languages as C, C++, Assembly, Python, Java and others. In addition, I'm interested in the InfoSec field. I'm also a data science enthusiast and I really love various machine learning topics.
🌱 I’m currently learning backend development using Django. In the past I also studied data science as well as cybersecurity.
📚 My web stack:
- CSS3 / Sass
- JavaScript
- Alpine.js / Vue
- Python
- Django Web Framework
📚 My DS stack:
- NumPy
- Pandas, BigQuery (+ SQL)
- Matplotlib + Seaborn
- SciKit-Image
- SciKit-Learn
- TensorFlow + Keras
📫 My e m a i l: maxt86 AT pm DOT me