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GDExtension that can play Bamboo Tracker modules


BambooTrackerPlayer uses native code from Bamboo Tracker so that Godot games can import and play Bamboo Tracker modules. This means you can include .btm modules directly with your game if you wish to use them to make music for whatever reason, saving quite a lot of space. Most modern devices should be powerful enough to emulate a YM2608 in real time, but you can always double check with a profiler to see how demanding it is.


  • Godot 4.2 or higher
  • Windows, Linux or Android for prebuilt binaries, build this repository yourself to generate a macOS version.

Basic usage

Download the latest package, and extract its contents. The .dll and .so files are native libraries that contain both the main BambooTrackerPlayer node class and the BambooTrackerModule resource class. importerplugin contains an editor plugin that imports .btm files as BambooTrackerModules, which a BambooTrackerPlayer can use. I recommend making a BambooTrackerPlayer an autoload, or rather a minimal stub script like the following that inherits from it:

extends BambooTrackerPlayer

func _ready() -> void:
    module = load("res://path/to/module.btm")

I recommend putting the native libraries in res://bin/, although you can always edit bambootrackerplayer.gdextension if you don't like this convention.

Use PlaySong(songNum: int, forceRestart: bool = false) or PlaySongFromName(songName: String, forceRestart: bool = false) to play songs from the module, and StopSong() to stop playing the current song. More advanced functionality will come later.


Follow Godot's guide on how to build GDExtensions, since there's nothing hugely special about building this GDExtension.