Projects to be done
Todo List Application: Create a simple todo list application where users can add, edit, and delete tasks. You can implement features like task prioritization, due dates, and categories.
Weather App: Develop an application that fetches weather data from an API and displays it to the user. Include features like current weather, forecast, and location-based weather updates.
Expense Tracker: Build an expense tracker application where users can input their expenses, categorize them, and track their spending over time. Include features for generating reports and visualizing spending patterns.
Text Editor: Create a basic text editor with features like syntax highlighting, code folding, and search/replace functionality. You can also implement plugins to extend its functionality.
Calculator: Develop a simple calculator application with a user-friendly interface. Include standard arithmetic operations as well as scientific functions like trigonometry and logarithms.
Image Viewer: Build an image viewer application that allows users to browse and view images from their computer. Include features like zooming, rotating, and slideshow mode.
Chess Game: Implement a chess game using PyQt5 where users can play against the computer or against each other. Include features like move validation, highlighting legal moves, and a graphical user interface for piece movement.
Chat Application: Create a simple chat application using PyQt5 and socket programming. Users should be able to connect to a server and send/receive messages in real-time.
Music Player: Develop a music player application that allows users to play, pause, skip, and shuffle their music library. Include features like playlist management and audio visualization.
Drawing Application: Build a drawing application where users can create and edit drawings using tools like pencils, brushes, shapes, and colors. Include features like undo/redo functionality and exporting drawings to image files.