A simple and free intro website for a/c contractors using CodeIgniter 4
- Pre-built Dashboard page
- Pre-built Account page
- Pre-built Profile page
- Pre-built Settings page
- User login, User registration, Recover password functions
- User access logs for tracking
- User Management: Register, Modify, and Delete users
808biz Business Builder w/ Ci4 provides complete basic authentication system, account viewing, profile editing, and dashboard viewing.
>= 7.1.3MySQL
5.x or newer versionsNginx
(recommended) http server- Required PHP extensions:
If you are running on local development, we recommend using VSCODE
, or XAMPP
stack which has all the system requirements available in Windows, Mac, Linux Installers.
git clone https://github.com/MauiJay/ac_website.git
cd ac_website/dist
composer install
cp env .env
(Manualy create a database)
(Manualy edit .env)
php spark migrate -n IonAuth
php spark migrate
Windows: php spark db:seed IonAuth\Database\Seeds\IonAuthSeeder
Linux: php spark db:seed IonAuth\\Database\\Seeds\\IonAuthSeeder
php spark serve
open chrome at http://localhost:8080/
- Download or clone the repo to your desktop or www folder.
- Change directory to
cd my-app
in your www folder. - Import
to your MySQL or MariaDB Server, create a user and grant all rights to the importedDB
- Rename
- Change the App URL to
app.baseURL = 'http://localhost/my-app/public/'
- Update database config, change the lines where
database.default.database =
,database.default.username =
,database.default.password =
, anddatabase.default.hostname =
in .env file. - Run
php spark serve
to serve live application in the terminal. - Alternatively, you can browse the app using a web browser, by entering this URL address
. - Login using default account username
[email protected]
, passwordadmin
[email protected]
## Screenshots
Account page
![Codeigniter 4 Auth - Dashboard](https://808.biz/assets/img/dashboard.png)
Users page
![Codeigniter 4 Auth - Users](https://808.biz/assets/img/users.png)
## Contributing
Thank you for considering contributing to the 808biz Business Builder w/ Ci4!
## Security Vulnerabilities
If you discover a security vulnerability within 808biz Business Builder w/ Ci4, please submit a pull request. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
## License
The 808biz Business Builder w/ Ci4 is open-source software licensed under the [Apache license 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
Copyright (c) 2020-present, @Jay Lamping