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Releases: mattbdean/Helium


06 Sep 17:47
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  • Helium now has an official user's guide!
  • Date and datetime inputs have a "now" button that will insert the current time
  • On smaller screens, the navigation menu is now automatically opened after logging in (#126)
  • Helium is smarter about which part table inputs to bind (#144)
  • Helium is smarter about which data from a plucked row to include (#148)

Squashed bugs

  • Fixed forms not being submittable on load (#141)
  • Fixed datetimes not being formatted properly when being submitted to the API (#142)
  • Fixed the datatable not marking 0 as an invalid page (#139)
  • The login page is now longer allowed to be viewed if the user is already logged in
  • Fixed a bug where navigating to a different schema didn't update the sidebar (#146)
  • Fixed an issue in the datatable where clicking on a foreign key icon sometimes applied a sort after the redirect

How do I get it?

There's a Docker image available at mattbdean/helium:

$ docker run -d --rm -p 3000:3000 mattbdean/helium:v1.1.2

Then open localhost:3000.


09 Aug 14:23
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  • Helium is now capable of handling all MySQL data types, except for JSON and SET (#113)
  • Several parts of the app have been rewritten for better testability/stability.

Squashed bugs

  • The row picker dialog is now scrollable (#127)
  • Fixed an issue where plucking a row to fill parts of a form caused the form to be reset (#131)
  • Fixed an issue where plucking a row sometimes filled in data incorrectly (#130)
  • Fixed an issue where part table foreign keys weren't being synced with the master table's primary key (#135)
  • Fixed an issue where an unsubmittable table's "submit" button was still enabled (#125)
  • Fixed an issue where trying to browse the data of a table the user didn't have access to prevented the user from navigating to other tables normally (#137)

How do I get it?

There's a Docker image available at mattbdean/helium:

$ docker run -d --rm -p 3000:3000 mattbdean/helium:v1.1.1

Then open localhost:3000.


19 Jul 14:38
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New features

  • Helium now does its best to return the user to the page they were at if the user's session expires (#121)
  • A serverless build of Helium is now available on GitHub Pages for those wishing to try it out

Squashed bugs

  • Default values are now repopulated once a form is submitted (#114)
  • Fixed a bug where switching back and forth between two tables with the same column names caused an unexpected change in width (#111)
  • Fixed a warning in the developer's console when switching around filter operations (#118)
  • Fixed a bug which disallowed integer form components to be empty
  • Fixed a regression where deleting the last filter no longer hid the filter manager (#115)

How do I get it?

There's a Docker image available at mattbdean/helium:

$ docker run -d --rm -p 3000:3000 mattbdean/helium:v1.1.0

Then open localhost:3000.


27 Jun 13:37
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Big stuff

  • Datatable links are now shareable. Change the page, filters, or sorting, and it will be reflected in the URL. Give this URL to someone else who has access to that database and they can pick up where you left off. (#90)
  • Docker is now the preferred way of getting/running Helium (#103)
  • Forms now provide error messages and additional validation (#5)
  • Fixed some issues that caused the browser to grind to a halt when handling large datasets
  • Autocomplete fields now support fuzzy searching (#57)
  • Auto increment fields are automatically assigned the next value in a form (#64)
  • The JSON API is now documented
  • Can now specify a port when logging in. To specify a port, add a colon and the host (e.g. The default is still 3306 if no port is manually specified (#68)
  • Added a "report a bug" button in the bottom left (#32)
  • A dozen or two bugs squashed

Technical stuff

  • Updated to Angular 6
  • Added a web manifest and favicon (#25)
  • Removed dependency on ng-inline-svg
  • Static assets are gzip'd in production mode
  • Only 4xx and 5xx response codes are logged in production mode (#103)

These are just the highlights. All issues closed for this release can be viewed here.

How do I get it?

There's a Docker image available at mattbdean/helium:

$ docker run -d --rm -p 3000:3000 mattbdean/helium:v1.0.0

Then open localhost:3000.


17 May 18:19
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v1.0.0-beta Pre-release

Big stuff

  • Multiple schemas are now supported. There is a drop-down menu at the top of the sidenav for selecting a schema
  • Users can access any MySQL database with Helium as long as they know the username, password, and host.
  • Switched datatable library from ngx-datatable to Angular Material's datatable (#10)
  • Users can now filter data
  • Much better support for dates and datetimes in forms (#9)
  • An "insert like" column is now the first column in all data tables. Pressing the "insert like" button will present the user with a form with prefilled data of that particular row. (#15, #61)
  • Much better autocomplete (#3)

Technical stuff

  • Upgraded to Angular 5
  • Server-side code is much more organized and code smells have been reduced
  • Switched from node-mysql2 to node-mysql and mysql-promise
  • Added tons of server-side tests
  • End-to-end tests are much better written and more reliable
  • Use CircleCI 2.0 and workflows
  • Angular code is now much more oragnized

The full changelog is available here.

How do I get it?

There's an experimental Docker image available at mattbdean/helium:

$ docker run -d --rm -p 3000:3000 mattbdean/helium:1.0.0-beta

Then open localhost:3000.


31 Oct 20:12
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v1.0.0-alpha Pre-release

The first usable version of Helium