This tool helps to automate the creation of files from templates by replacing some words with others.
Python3 should bre installed for this tool. Click here if not installed. OR on linux
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 --version
First clone the tools repo
git clone
ln -s $PWD/tools/rename/wordrename /usr/bin
wordrename -[i <input>| -d <directory>] -o <output> -r <replaced> -w <with>
Replace words with those provided
-i, --input Input filename
-d, --directory Input directory
-o, --output Output filename
-r, --replaced Word to replace
-w, --with Word replacing the other word
-c, --clean Removes the input file
Assuming you have a file called file.txt and you want to replace all words foo with bar. Running the command below will replace all words including uppercase, title case and pluralized words
wordrename -i file.txt -r foo -w bar
wordrename -i file.txt,file2.txt -r foo -w bar
Note: The number of replaced words should match the number of words that are replacing them
wordrename -i file.txt -r foo,foo2 -w bar,bar2
Assuming you have a folder called 'directory_name' that has file whose words you would want to copy and replace all words foo with bar.
wordrename -d directory_name -r foo -w bar