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BLIZZARD: Improving IR-Based Bug Localization with Context-Aware Query Reformulation

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Accepted Papers at ESEC/FSE 2018 and ICSE 2018 (Poster)

Improving IR-Based Bug Localization with Context-Aware Query Reformulation

Mohammad Masudur Rahman and Chanchal K. Roy

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Poster: Improving Bug Localization with Report Quality Dynamics and Query Reformulation
Mohammad Masudur Rahman and Chanchal K. Roy

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author={Rahman, M. M. and Roy, C. K.}, 
booktitle={Proc. ESEC/FSE}, 
title={Improving IR-Based Bug Localization with Context-Aware Query Reformulation}, 

Download this paper PDF

author={Rahman, M. M. and Roy, C. K.}, 
booktitle={Proc. ICSE-C}, 
title={Improving Bug Localization with Report Quality Dynamics and Query Reformulation}, 

Download this paper PDF

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