Course review notes for UBC CPSC 313: Computer Hardware and Operating Systems
These personal notes are unofficial and just a summary of the content covered in the course. Trust this as much as you would trust a random undergraduate who has yet to take the final exam.
They do not include material for chapters 1 and 2. This link is a very nice summary of the Y86 ISA, and I am of the belief that a summary of chapters 1 and 2 is almost useless in comparison to just practicing.
There's almost certianly mistakes in this, and I'm happy to make any corrections that come up. If you want to add sections, just make sure that they are terse and avoid too many acronyms because that makes for unreadable reference material.
You can alternatively fork this repo and do whatever you want. I require no attributiuon, but you should check with Margo and Don.