Contentful Plugin for DocPad
Import Contentful entries into DocPad collections.
Inspired by and based on
docpad install contentful
Add the following to your docpad configuration file:
collections: [
accessToken: "23e9e3d2eb2a2303d64262692..."
spaceId: "sd0nae..."
collectionName: "posts"
relativeDirPath: "blog"
extension: ".html"
sort: date: 1 # newest first
layout: "blogpost"
accessToken: "23e9e3d2eb2a2303d64262692..."
spaceId: "sd0nae..."
collections: [
# accessToken and spaceId are imported from the defaults
collectionName: "posts"
relativeDirPath: "blog"
extension: ''
sort: date: 1 # newest first
injectDocumentHelper: (document) ->
layout: 'default'
tags: (document.get('tags') or []).concat(['post'])
data: """
<%- @partial('post/'[email protected], @extend({}, @document, @document.tumblr)) %>
collectionName: "comments"
filters: content_type: "a content type id"
extension: '.html.markup'
sort: date: -1 #oldest first
write: false
spaceId: "some other space id"
filters: content_type: "another content type id"
collectionName: "stats"
extension: ".json"
Each configuration object in collections
inherits default values from collectionDefaults
and then from the built-in defaults:
accessToken: "accessToken" # the api key for the accessing the Contentful space
spaceId: "spaceId" # the spaceId for the space in Contentful
relativeDirPath: null # defaults to collectionName
extension: ".json"
injectDocumentHelper: null # function to format documents
collectionName: "my-content" # name to give the collection, defaults to "contentful"
sort: null #
meta: {} # automatically added to each document
filters: {} # optional Contentful query properties. "content_type" is usually the minimum required.
The default directory for where the imported documents will go inside is the collectionName.
You can override this using the relativeDirPath
plugin config option.
The default content for the imported documents is JSON data. You can can customise this with the injectDocumentHelper
plugin configuration option which is a function that takes in a single Document Model.
If you would like to render a template, add a layout, and change the extension, you can do it via the meta
option or you can get fancy and do this with (for example) the
eco and partials
plugins and following collection configuration:
extension: ''
injectDocumentHelper: (document) ->
layout: 'default'
tags: (document.get('tags') or []).concat(['post'])
data: """
<%- @partial('post/'[email protected], @extend({}, @document, @document.tumblr)) %>
The sort
field is passed as the comparator to Query Engine which tries it as a
MongoDB-style sort first and then a
Backbone.js comparator second.
As imported documents are just like normal documents, you can also list them just as you would other documents. Here is an example of a
file that would output the titles and links to all the blog posts from the simple example above:
<ul><% for post in @getCollection('posts').toJSON(): %>
<a href="<%= post.url %>"><%= post.title %></a>
<% end %></ul>
Unless stated otherwise all works are:
- Copyright © Mark Phillips
and licensed under:
- The incredibly permissive MIT License