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Releases: markmfredrickson/RItools

CRAN Release 0.3-4

31 May 20:37
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Maintenance release given changes to SparseM

CRAN Release 0.3-3

10 Mar 15:16
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A maintenance release

CRAN Version 0.3-1

11 Aug 17:49
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CRAN Version v0.3-0

21 Jul 13:12
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Version that now includes a balanceTest() as the main function.

Release 0.1-18

20 Feb 19:50
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A maintenance release to make it work with R 4.1.2

Creating a Release of the 0.1-17 Version

13 Feb 19:15
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We released another maintenance version which is the version on CRAN. From the DESCRIPTION:

Packaged: 2019-07-09 22:28:44 UTC; jwbowers

Full Changelog: 0.1-16...0.1-17

Maintenance Release

19 Jun 13:59
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This is the 0.1-16 maintenance release of RItools that addresses the problem
with undeclared package dependencies in the unit tests of the 0.1-15 release.
Our solution to this problem has been to move the offending test to a separate
file test.notforCRAN.R and to add that file to .Rbuildignore.

Maintenance release

30 May 12:52
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We had submitted version 0.1-14 of the package in early May, but Dr. Ligges returned
it to us after discovering that it crashed on 64-bit Windows. We traced the crash to
a test of our package's interaction with the RSVGTipsDevice package that was intended
only to be run if RSVGTipsDevice was found to be installed on the system running the
check. This package doesn't appear to be actively maintained, and CRAN isn't
distributing windows binaries of it; however, some systems may have incomplete
windows installations of it, working for i386 R but not for the x64 version of R;
perhaps CRAN's windows checking service was one of these. In any event, our solution
is to disable the RSVGTipsDevice-invoking test for Windows platforms broadly.

The purpose of the 0.1-14 maintenance release had been to address an issue where
our package indirectly tinkered with global options used by the data.table package. The
0.1-15 maintenance release still addresses this issue.

Multilevel Randomization Release

04 Dec 23:38
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This release is meant to enable randomization in multilevel designs for the detection of and isolation of spillover effects in experiments.