BucketList API is the backend component of a platform where users can create a bucket list.
User can sign up.
User can sign in.
User can create a new bucket list
User can update this bucket list.
User can delete a single bucket list.
User can view all the created bucket lists.
User can view a specific single bucket list by id.
User can view bucket lists by search.
User can create a new item in bucket list.
User can view list all the created items in a bucket list.
User can get a single item in a bucket list.
User can update a bucket list item.
User can delete an item in a bucket list.
Ensure that you have nodejs and npm installed in your computer
a. Clone this repository into your named folder
git clone -b master https://github.com/markeu/BucketList-API
git status
b. Install the project dependencies
npm install
c. start the application
npm start
The application can be tested locally through localhost on port 5555 using postman
- Run the application while postman is open
- Go to postman and test against the endpoints below with the required property:-
Method | Endpoint | Enable a user to: |
POST | api/v1/auth/signup | Create user account |
POST | api/v1/auth/login | Login a user |
POST | api/v1/bucketLists | create a new bucket list |
GET | api/v1/bucketLists | view all the created bucket lists |
GET | api/v1/bucketLists/search?q= :bucketName | view bucket lists by search |
GET | api/v1//bucketLists/:id | view a specific single bucket list by id |
PUT | api/v1/bucketLists/:id | update this bucket list |
DELETE | api/v1/bucketLists/:id | delete a single bucket list |
POST | api/v1/bucketLists/:id/items | list all the created items in a bucket list |
GET | api/v1/bucketLists/:id/items | View all bucket list items |
GET | api/v1/bucketLists/:id/items/:id | view specific bucket list item |
PUT | api/v1/bucketLists/:id/items/:id | Update a specific bucket list item |
DELETE | api/v1/bucketLists/:id/items/:id | Delete specific bucket list item |
- Uche Uzochukwu Mark