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Application can help you debug memory errors in your C/C++ code in minutes, not hours. With the help of Cee.Studio, you will program C/C++ like a memory-safe language and focus on getting things done instead of spending countless hours debugging evasive memory errors. It has been used by students to finish their C/C++ coding assignments.

As a Computer Science student, you most likely have experienced the fear of encountering serious memory issues and leaks when coding in C/C++ language, especially the common segmentation fault or cryptic-looking memory bugs. These errors will make you spend more time on debugging rather than actual coding. This seems to be so annoying to the point that you'd rather give up than continue with debugging. But what if the solution to the next problem you have is based off of the previous problem that you gave up on? Going back and using the traditional style of compiling and debugging your C/C++ code doesn’t seem to be a good use of time. So what’s the solution? Well, here is a solution to that: Cee.Studio. Cee.Studio will report many memory errors with informative, deterministic, and accurate error messages, so you can debug them in minutes and quickly move back to getting things done. screenshot

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