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GitHub Action

VSIX Publisher


VSIX Publisher


VSIX Publisher

GithubAction for publishing extensions to Visual Studio Marketplace


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: VSIX Publisher

uses: cezarypiatek/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in cezarypiatek/VsixPublisherAction

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VsixPublisher Github Action

GithubAction for publishing extensions to Visual Studio Marketplace

Example usage

- name: Publish extension to Marketplace
  uses: cezarypiatek/[email protected]
      extension-file: src\MappingGenerator.Vsix\bin\Release\MappingGenerator.vsix
      publish-manifest-file: src\MappingGenerator.Vsix\publishManifest.json
      personal-access-code: ${{ secrets.VS_PUBLISHER_ACCESS_TOKEN }}

Example publishManifest.json

    "$schema": "",
    "categories": [
    "identity": {
        "internalName": "mappinggenerator"
    "overview": "",
    "priceCategory": "free",
    "publisher": "54748ff9-45fc-43c2-8ec5-cf7912bc3b84",
    "private": false,
    "qna": true,
    "repo": ""

See also:

publishManifest file reference

How to generate Personal Access Token


An open ended version range

Error Message: VSSDK: error VsixPub0029 : An error occurred while communicating with the marketplace: VSIXValidatorWarning08 - (CsharpMacros) An open ended version range was detected in an InstallationTarget element in the .vsixmanifest file.

Solution: Make sure that PackageManifest/Installation/InstallationTarget@Version is a range with both ends defined explicitly. Example of correct manifest:

<PackageManifest Version="2.0.0" xmlns="" xmlns:d="">
    <InstallationTarget Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Community" Version="[15.0, 17.0)" />

Missing permissions in API Key

Error Message: Response status code does not indicate success: 403 (The specified API key is invalid, has expired, or does not have permission to access the specified package.).


  1. Make sure that you set Acquire and Manage permission in the section Marketplace of your Personal Access Token configuration.
  2. Sometimes you need also set Organization to the All accessible organization.

How to build github action

docker run -v ${pwd}:/action -it  node:16-alpine /bin/sh
cd action
npm i -g @vercel/ncc
npm install
ncc build ./src/main.ts