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Terraform summary report

v1.0.1 Latest version

Terraform summary report


Terraform summary report

Creates a Job summary from a "terraform plan" output file


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Terraform summary report

uses: sgametrio/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in sgametrio/terraform-summary-action

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Terraform summary action

Github Action that generates a job summary from a Terraform plan output file.

The idea is to highlight the number of changes planned to be applied while giving the possibility to view the terraform plan output only.


Job summary example


- name: Terraform Plan
  run: terraform plan | tee terraform_plan_output.txt

- name: Print job summary
  uses: sgametrio/terraform-summary-action@main
    log-file: terraform_plan_output.txt
    # Optional
    title: Custom header in the Job summary


Tested with Terraform:

  • v1.3.6

Planned features

  • Ingest output from terraform apply and return as a summary the short "Apply complete! Resources: X added, Y changed, Z destroyed.
  • Display summary of to-be changed/created/destroyed resources after plan.