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run-digger - Repo Racers Pro Support

v0.0.1 Latest version

run-digger - Repo Racers Pro Support


run-digger - Repo Racers Pro Support

Manage terraform collaboration


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: run-digger - Repo Racers Pro Support

uses: repo-racers/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in repo-racers/digger-action

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Repo Raacers

This repository is included in our open-source Pro Support service which offers an efficient solution for managing popular GitHub Actions dependencies with ease:

🙌 forked from diggerhq/digger

What is Open-Source Pro Support?

Open-Source Pro Support is a comprehensive service designed to streamline your workflow by providing:

  • Customized Forks: We create public forks of popular GitHub Actions, ensuring you have access to the latest features and fixes.

  • Dedicated Technical Support: Say goodbye to the hassle of managing multiple open-source dependencies. With our service, you have a single point of contact for all your support needs. Reach out to us on our Discord server, and our team of experts will be ready to assist you.

  • Priority Fixes: Experience seamless issue resolution with our priority fix service. If you encounter any issues with our forks, we prioritize fixing them promptly to minimize disruptions to your workflow.

  • Community Contribution: We believe in giving back to the open-source community. When we fix issues in our forks, we handle creating pull requests to the original authors, ensuring that the entire community benefits from the improvements.

How It Works
  1. Choose Our Fork: Instead of referencing popular GitHub Actions repositories directly, simply reference this repository in your workflow.

  2. Enjoy Dedicated Support: If you encounter any issues or need assistance, reach out to us on our Discord server. Our team will be happy to help you promptly.

  3. Benefit from Priority Fixes: Experience seamless issue resolution with our priority fix service. We prioritize fixing issues in our forks to ensure smooth operation for your projects.

  4. Contribute to the Community: Rest assured that when we fix issues in our forks, we contribute back to the original repositories, benefiting the entire open-source community.

Not Your Thing?

We don't want to get in between you and the community. If you want to handle forking and submitting a pull request yourself, that's awesome.

However, feel free to reach out to us on Discord anyway if you need any help and advice in doing so.

❤️ open-source

CI/CD for Terraform is tricky. To make life easier, specialised CI systems aka TACOS exist - Terraform Cloud, Spacelift, Atlantis, etc.

But why have 2 CI systems? Why not reuse the async jobs infrastructure with compute, orchestration, logs, etc of your existing CI?

Digger runs terraform natively in your CI. This is:

  • Secure, because cloud access secrets aren't shared with a third-party
  • Cost-effective, because you are not paying for additional compute just to run your terraform


  • Terraform plan and apply in pull request comments
  • Private runners - thanks to the fact that there are no separate runners! Your existing CI's compute environment is used
  • Open Policy Agent (OPA) support for RBAC
  • PR-level locks (on top of Terraform native state locks, similar to Atlantis) to avoid race conditions across multiple PRs
  • Terragrunt, Workspaces, multiple Terraform versions, static analysis via Checkov, plan persistence, ...
  • Drift detection

Getting Started

How it works

Digger has 2 main components:

  • CLI that runs inside your CI and calls terraform with the right arguments
  • Orchestrator - a minimal backend (that can also be self-hosted) that triggers CI jobs in response to events such as PR comments

Digger also stores PR-level locks and plan cache in your cloud account (DynamoDB + S3 on AWS, equivalents in other cloud providers)


We love contributions. Check out our contributing guide to get started.

Not sure where to get started? You can:


Digger collects anonymized telemetry. See usage.go for detail. You can disable telemetry collection either by setting telemetry: false in digger.yml, or by setting the TELEMETRY env variable to false.

Running migrations

atlas migrate apply --url $DATABASE_URL


  • Docs for comprehensive documentation and guides
  • Slack for discussion with the community and Digger team.
  • GitHub for code, issues, and pull request
  • Medium for terraform automation and collaboration insights, articles, tutorials, and updates.


For support with this repo and many other open-source projects, visit us at and join us on Discord.