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GitHub Action

Render json

v2.0.2 Latest version

Render json


Render json

render json file with environment variables


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Render json

uses: loveloper44/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in loveloper44/render-json-action

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This action render json file with environment variables and return rendered json file path

Example usage

- uses: loveloper44/[email protected]
  id: render
    json: jsonFilePath

- name: Get the output
  run: echo "${{ steps.render.outputs.result }}"

Json file

Create input json file

  "app": {
    "service_id": "%s ENV_SERVICE_ID"
    "host": "%s ENV_DB_HOST",
    "port": "%d ENV_DB_PORT",
    "user_name": "%s ENV_DB_USER_NAME",
    "user_password": "%s ENV_DB_USER_PASSWORD",

You can use 4 types like below

  • %d number
  • %s string
  • %b boolean
  • %f float

Action will render json file with environment variables and return rendered json file path

  "app": {
    "service_id": "TestService"
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 3306,
    "user_name": "user",
    "user_password": "password",