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GitHub Action

Get Runner Public IP Address

v1.0.0 Latest version

Get Runner Public IP Address


Get Runner Public IP Address

Gets the public IPv4 and IPv6 addreses of the current runner using latest Node


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Get Runner Public IP Address

uses: candidob/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in candidob/get-runner-ip

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Github Actions Runner IP Addresses

Gets the current Github Actions runner public IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses using latest Node


This is a simple TypeScript project that uses an external API (ipify) to retrieve the public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the currently running runner using minimal dependencies.



  • ipv4 the public ipv4 address of the runner
  • ipv6 the public ipv6 address of the runner

Note: If the execution environment does not have either of the two IP addresses, an empty string is returned instead of the IP address.


name: Get Runner IP Addresses

        branches: [main]

        name: Deploy
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest

            - name: Get IP Addresses
              id: ip
              uses: candidob/[email protected]

            - name: See IP Addresses
              run: |
                  echo ${{ steps.ip.outputs.ipv4 }}
                  echo ${{ steps.ip.outputs.ipv6 }}

Cases of use

A common use case and the reason why this action was created is to aid in the deployment process of Docker images on services like AWS, Azure, GCP, among others. By obtaining the IP address of the runner executing a workflow, it can be allowed through a firewall or security group to perform operations such as executing commands via SSH or modifying configurations on a cloud service provider.

Project structure

├── .github (Github Action Workflow for this project)
├── .husky (Git hooks)
├── branding (Branding related folder)
├── dist
    └── index.js (Distributable file that Github Actions uses as the Action)
├── src
    └── core
        ├── constants.ts (IP request API Endpoints URLs)
        ├── guards.ts (Type guards)
        └── types.ts (Type definitions)
    ├── libs
        ├── https.ts (HTTPS Get request function)
        └── ip.ts (IPv4 and IPv6 get functions)
    ├── index.ts (Main function)
    └── run.ts (Main entrypoint of the Action)
└── tests
    ├── integration (Integration tests)
        ├── https.integration.tests.ts
        └── index.integration.tests.ts
    └── unit (Unit tests)
        ├── guards.unit.test.ts
        ├── https.unit.test.ts
        ├── index.unit.test.ts
        └── ip.unit.test.ts

Easily, the endpoints from which the IP addresses are obtained can be modified, some minor adjustments are necessary if the new API returns the IP in a different format than { ip: '' }



  • Node 20

Contributions and license

MIT License | Code of Conduit