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GitHub Action

Check Python Version

v4.1 Latest version

Check Python Version


Check Python Version

Check the release tag matches the library version before deploy


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Check Python Version

uses: samuelcolvin/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in samuelcolvin/check-python-version

Choose a version

Check Python Version


Check the release tag matches the library version before deploy.

This is designed to be used in deploy jobs to check that GitHub release tag matches the version in your code.

The following output variables are set by the action for use in later steps:

  • IS_PRERELEASE, either 'true' or 'false' whether the version is a pre-release, uses packing.Version.is_prerelease
  • VERSION, which is the "pretty" version string, using str(packing.Version)
  • VERSION_MAJOR_MINOR, major and minor version numbers, e.g. 1.2.3 would output 1.2

See usage below for an example of how to access these values.


A minimal example:

      - ...
      - uses: samuelcolvin/check-python-version@v1
        id: check-python-version
          version_file_path: mypackage/

      - run: ...

      # optionally you can use the environment variables set by the action later
      - name: publish docs
        if: '!fromJSON(steps.check-python-version.outputs.IS_PRERELEASE)'
        uses: ...


  • version_file_path: Path to python file containing the version number string (required)
  • version_pattern: Custom regular expression to find version with, defaults to (?i)^(__version__|VERSION) *= *([\'"])v?(?P<version>.+?)\2 (which matches hatchling)
  • test_github_ref: Version to check, defaults to using GITHUB_REF - this is mostly for testing
  • skip_env_check: Set to "true" to skip environment variable (e.g. GITHUB_REF, or input.test_github_ref) check, mostly useful when you want to use outputs in later steps