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GitHub Action

Automatic Pull Request

v0.1.2 Pre-release

Automatic Pull Request


Automatic Pull Request

Bring your codebase alive


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Automatic Pull Request

uses: irgolic/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in irgolic/AutoPR

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πŸš€ AutoPR πŸš€


AutoPR autonomously writes pull requests in response to issues with ChatGPT.
Get started with AutoPR-template.
Built with Guardrails and Langchain.

πŸ’ͺ How does it work?

Triggered by adding a label containing AutoPR to an issue, AutoPR will:

  1. Plan a fix
  2. Write the code
  3. Push a branch
  4. Open a pull request

πŸ“ Roadmap

  • Automatically write pull requests based on labeled issues
  • Autonomously generate code through iterative and adaptive planning
  • Vector search through repository contents (#55)
  • Improving codegen performance (#56)
  • Iterate with PR comments and code review (#31)
  • ChatGPT plugin that writes an issue during the course of a conversation
  • User-configurable tasks like "add tests", "add docs", "add type hints"
  • User-configurable semantic CI checks like "if file x changes, ensure file y reflects the change"
  • Autonomous PR reviewer who pushes to your branch

πŸ’Ž Examples

Well-written issues often lead to better results.

🀞 Limitations

This GitHub Action is in development, and in alpha release.

It still:

πŸ”¨ Usage

Please see for more information.

πŸ“ Contributing

Please see for more information.