This project is for the blockchain application My Dapp. It contains code for the Smart Contract, web-based dapp and NodeJS server.
In order to develop and build "My Dapp," the following pre-requisites must be installed:
- Visual Studio Code (or any IDE for editing Javascript)
- NodeJS
- Yarn (DappStarter uses Yarn Workspaces)
Using a terminal (or command prompt), change to the folder containing the project files and type: yarn
This will fetch all required dependencies. The process will take 1-3 minutes and while it is in progress you can move on to the next step.
Note: You may see some npm warnings about "web3-bzz" after dependencies are installed. These can be ignored as the associated code is never invoked.
Using a terminal (or command prompt), change to the folder containing the project files and type: yarn start
This will run all the dev scripts in each project package.json.
To view your dapp, open your browser to http://localhost:5000
lerna run deploy --scope=@trycrypto/dappstarter-dapplib --stream
to compile contracts/*.sol files, deploy them to the blockchain.
Run the dapp in a separate terminal. You must have run npm run deploy
for the dapp to see most recent smart contract changes.
lerna run dev --scope=@trycrypto/dappstarter-client --stream
runs the dapp on http://localhost:5001 using webpack dev server
Run the server in a separate terminal. You must have run npm run deploy
for the dapp to see most recent smart contract changes.
lerna run dev --scope=@trycrypto/dappstarter-server --stream
runs NodeJS server app on port 5002 with NestJS
contains settings used by test scripts
Run tests using lerna run test [test file] --scope=@trycrypto/dappstarter-dapplib --stream
DappStarter currently does not provide blockchain migration scripts to be used in production. However, here are the scripts for generating production builds:
lerna run build:prod
generates dapp bundle for production.