The goal of this mini-project is to modify the open source PyBot Robotic Arm from JJRobots by replacing their custom electronic board by combining multiple boards available on the market.
- Original project home page
- Assembly guide
- Gripper assembly guide
- Details about electronics
- Shop where to buy a kit
- Original electronic board (not used in this project)
- Schematics of the original electronic board
Note: this page contains the instructions to download and install the applications.
The following parts are assembled in order to replace the original electronic board:
- An OCROBOT ALPHA D21G18A: a board providing an ARM Cortex M0 microcontroller ( schematics).
- A RAMPS 1.6 board ( schematics and connectors schematics).
- 3x A4988 stepper motor drivers.
- A D1 Mini ESP8266 wifi module ( AT commands datasheet).
- A GY-53 VL53L0X LIDAR.
- A voltage conversion board 12V to 5V to 3.3V BENQ CA-1253.
In order to assemble all these boards, I have designed this PCB with EasyEDA.
Note: if you are in China, you can order your PCB from the Chinese website of EasyEDA.
Here is the schematic, PCB design and the Gerber files.