A simple PHP library for reading and manipulating the /etc/network/interfaces file in Debian/Ubuntu based distributions.
composer require mangospot/network-manager
//include composer autoloader
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
// 'import' NetworkInterfaces class
use NetworkManager\Networks;
// create new netif from ifconfig
$netif = new Networks();
// or create new netif from net_get_interfaces()
$netif = new Networks(false);
// gets the host name
$host = $netif->getHostAddr();
// get network interfaces
$interfaces = $netif->getNetworkInterfaces();
// get array network interfaces
$arrayInterface = $netif->arrayInterfaces();
//include composer autoloader
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
// 'import' NetworkInterfaces class
use NetworkManager\Adaptor;
use NetworkManager\Interfaces;
// create new handle from /etc/networking/interfaces
$handle = new Interfaces();
// parse file
// add source on /etc/networking/interfaces
// or add source dir
// create new Adaptor and set configs
$adaptor = new Adaptor();
$adaptor->name = "eth2";
$adaptor->family = "inet";
$adaptor->method = "static";
$adaptor->address = '';
$adaptor->gateway = '';
$adaptor->netmask = '';
$adaptor->auto = true;
$adaptor->allows[] = 'hotplug';
$adaptor->Unknown['dns-nameservers'] = '';
// add adaptor to NetworkInterfaces instance
// change eth0 ip address
$handle->Adaptors['eth0']->address = '';
// Write changes to /etc/networking/interfaces
// bringing up new interface
You can use phpseclib library
//include composer autoloader
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
// phpseclib3 class
use phpseclib3\Net\SSH2;
use phpseclib3\Net\SFTP;
class SSH extends SSH2 {
private $sftp;
public function __construct(){
parent::__construct('', 22);
$this->login('username', 'password');
public function sftp(){
$this->sftp = new SFTP('', 22);
$this->sftp->login('username', 'password');
return $this->sftp;
//include autoload.php
include 'autoload.php';
// NetworkInterfaces class
use NetworkManager\Adaptor;
use NetworkManager\Networks;
use NetworkManager\Interfaces;
$SSH = new SSH();
$network = new Networks();
$interface = new Interfaces();
- Paypal: [email protected]
- WhatsApp: +62 856-4231-1781